First Encounters

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"He was pretty cute wasn't he?" asked Eunha.

"Yeah he was," I said softly.

"Ouu Y/N you were so lucky!" she shouted.

I blushed at the thought of me laying on top of him.

"It was embarrassing though don't you think?" I asked.

"Uh oh Eunha she's a mess. Look at her face," teased SinB.

"Shut up! It's nothing like that," I said.

Lunch break was over and we all returned to our seats. A new teacher walked in and this time it was a woman. She introduced herself and then started to write on the board. Just then the same boy from earlier came and sat in the desk next to me.

"Oh you're apple boy," I said quietly as I pointed to him.

"Yup that I am. I'm also Park Jimin, nice to meet you," he said with a smile.

"Students should not be talking right now," shouted Mrs. Kang with her back still facing us.

I fixed my position and stared at the front again.

"Psst. I like your hair. It's long," he whispered.

From the corner of my eye I could see him reaching out his hand to touch my hair. All of a sudden, a boy walked through the back doors and with a cutting motion, he swiped Jimin's hand away. He walked between us and sat in the seat in front of me. Looking at him from behind, I can instantly recognize that he was the same boy who was playing the piano.

"So class. We are holding an event soon and we will be needing some students to volunteer for the play. Is anyone interested?" asked Mrs. Kang.

Some students immediately raised their hands.

"Great and does anyone here happen to know how to play the piano? It would be greatly appreciated," she added.

I looked at the boy in front of me but he didn't respond.

"Mrs. Kang! Min Yoongi can play!" shouted Jimin.

I turned to look at him, curious who Min Yoongi was.

"Yah Jimin don't point fingers at other people."

He turned around and glared at Jimin who gave him an innocent smile.

"So is that a yes?" asked Mrs. Kang.

"Don't bother putting me down I won't come to rehearsals. Have her do it," he said as he pointed his thumb at me and laid his head on his desk.

"Y/N?" asked Mrs. Kang.

"Ah I actually I don't play," I replied quietly as I bit my bottom lip.

"Then why were you snooping around the music room earlier?" he mumbled quietly.

I kicked his seat and smile at the teacher. 

"Then I'll do it!" shouted Jimin as he raised his hand.

"You play?" I asked.

He nodded proudly.

"Alright then. We're set," said Mrs. Kang as she started taking down names. "Mr. Lee will be here in a few minutes. Behave until then."

She left and closed the door behind her. Everyone automatically started interacting with their neighbors.

"Yah how dare you kick my seat huh?" said Yoongi as he adjusted in his seat to face me.

"It's not my fault you were butting into my business," I said back.

He squinted his eyes at me and then looked down at my hands.

"Your fingers look like they've touched the piano before," he said in a deep voice.

He grabbed my right hand and started gently touching the tip of my fingers with his thumb. His hand was warm and big against my own. I heard whispers and then pulled my hand away, hiding both of them under the desk.

"Y-yah! What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Just curious," he said as he shrugged and moved his body to face the front again.

What a weird guy, I thought.

"Don't mind him. He's always been that way since elementary," said Jimin.

"So you two know each other," I said.

"Not really," Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin stood behind me as he leaned in and whispered into my ears.

"I'm his only friend."

I chuckled softly at his joke.

"I'm not kidding," he added with cute wide eyes.

"Yah Jimin shut up," Yoongi said as he laid his head down on his arms.

"But as I was saying earlier, I really like your hair," Jimin began to say again.

Yoongi stood up and pushed Jimin's forehead backwards.

"Yah you should stop getting so close to girls like that. Not every girl wants that kind of attention ok?" he said.

Jimin chuckled and obediently sat back down. Yoongi walked past us and opened the back door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I thought we agreed to mind our own business?" he said sharply.


I was taken aback by his tone but I remained composed.

"At least stop skipping class. That's all," I said as I looked away.

He stood there and then closed the door, coming back into his seat.

"I'd rather sleep here anyways," he said as he came behind Jimin. "Hey switch seats with me."

"Why? I like my seat," Jimin replied looking up.


Jimin scoffed.

"That way the teacher won't see me sleep," he added.

"Fine fine. You owe me," Jimin said as he sat in front of me.

Yoongi sat down and laid his head on his arms, facing the wall. I laid my head down as well but directly on my desk, leaving my hands underneath. Did my fingers really look like they've touched a piano before? What kind of silly remark was that? I curled my fingers into fists and thought about the past once again. I guess I can never truly escape from those days with him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Suga, how have you been? I've been doing well. Have you passed over? Are you in heaven? Have you been reborn?

"I miss you," I quietly said to myself.

Yoongi's POV

I spun my head around and my eyes slightly opened.

"I miss you."

I heard her mumble these words as she scrunched her face together. She looked...hurt and her pained expression made my heart sink.

Y/N, I thought to myself. But I simply closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

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