Many more firsts to go

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"Y/N! Don't touch that!"

I quickly put my hands up as I heard him scream from the other room. He walked in as we stared at each other.

"You're always finding ways to hurt yourself," he said as he came over with the broom stick.

"I wasn't going to pick it up with my hands I swear," I said.

He looked up and sighed.

"How long have we been married Y/N? I think I know you better than you give me credit for," he said.

After cleaning up the broken glass he pulled me to the living room and forced me to sit down on the couch.

"Just stay here and watch baby Myung Hee. I'll get you some orange juice," he said.

I smiled.

"Honey I'm capable of doing it myself," I said.

"You just gave birth so you're weak. Just stay put for once," he demanded as he went into the kitchen.

I chuckled and looked down at our little girl who was sound asleep in her crib.

"Just like your daddy. Always sleeping so soundly," I said as I touched her curled fingers.

The door bell rang and as I was about to stand up to go see who it was, Yoongi shouted from the kitchen.

"I got it!"

I laughed at his cautiousness. Apparently my body was too weak and needs more rest. He opened the door and walked in with our guests.

"Oh SinB! Jooheon! Ah and little Ha Joon. Oh and Eunha and Sungyeol too!"

They all walked in with gifts.

"We wanted to see little Y/N and Yoongi!" said Eunha as she tiptoed quickly across the room to my side.

"Wahh! Such a cutie!" she said as she poked her chubby cheeks.

Myung Hee started crying.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to," Eunha said.

"It's okay. She was sleeping since a while ago," I said as I carried her.

Everyone surrounded us to get a better look.

"Want to hold her?" I asked Ha Joon.

He shook his head and hid behind his mom.

"Aww why not?" SinB asked.

"I don't want to hurt her," he mumbled.

Myung Hee started crying once again. I tried to soothe her but she didn't stop.

"Hon, maybe she wants her bottle," Yoongi said running to the kitchen.

Just then, Ha Joon stroked her head gently and she stopped being fussy.

"Ah she likes you," I said to him.

"She's cute," he said.

I smiled at the way he was looking at her with admiration.

"Hey don't make a move on my little girl," Yoongi said as he walked back into the room.

I smacked his head for overreacting.

"When you get older, maybe you can even marry my little Myung Hee," I teased.

"Can I?" he said quickly with big eyes.

I was caught off guard by his response and started to laugh.

"You're only 9 silly," SinB said as she put her hands on his shoulders.

"You can't take my little girl from me," Yoongi added.

"So how does it feel having a baby now?" asked Eunha.

"It's different but it's a good change," I replied.

They took turns holding Myung Hee and walking her around the room as I sat with Yoongi. He held my hand and leaned his head against mine.

"I wouldn't be able to imagine this great life with anyone else," he said. "I'm so thankful for you."

"Me too. I'm glad we're here and I'm glad we still have so many more firsts to go," I said.

"And with all our firsts, you'll be my last as well," he said softly.

"I would hope so," I teased.

He smiled and placed a kiss on the top of my hand.

"To our happy ever after," he said.

"To our precious miracles," I added.

Sometimes life throws curves at you but in the end, there's always light at the end of the tunnels.

The End <3 

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