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hi guys puplove here and this is my first time writing my wattpad story on my computer!!! so on this fanfic im not going to do songs amymore im just going to do fanfictions so yay. i also felt kinda creepy cause i was just looking up pictures on blue eyed babies for like 20 minutes so now i feel like a creep but my friend says thats normal so enjoy this chapter. Sorry if the picture doesnt show btw.

Chelsea. She was the love of our life as soon as we saw her the day we went to the institute to get some of Alec's things. She was a beautiful young warlock around the age of 3. She had piercing blue eyes like Alec, but they were cat eyes like mine. She was almost like if we actually had a daughter.

She was in Isabelle's room. Isabelle was brushing her long, dark hair into pigtails. She sat patiently, but she was holding something. It seemed to to be some sort of brown, stuffed dog. Her attention turned to us as soon as we walked in the room. Fear was in her eyes. "Hi there sweetheart" Alec smiled. "My name is Alec what's yours?'

The young girl continued to stare at Alec with the most curious eyes. "It's alright we won't hurt you." The girl continued to look between the both of us and smiled slightly.

"My name is Chelsea."

Alec and I could do nothing but smile at the young girl. Isabelle finished her hair and set her on the bed.

Chelsea turned her attention to Magnus. "What's your name?" She asked.

Magnus smiled and crouched down to her level. "My name is Magnus and who's this little guy in your arms?" Magnus said while playing with the stuffed dog ears.

"His name is Popcorn." She stated. "Now why would you name him that?" I questioned. She started to giggle. "Because he likes popcorn! Just like me." She laughed while hugging the brown dog tightly.

This child was truly adorable.

"So you like popcorn?" He asked. She nodded.

"Well I'll make sure to get you some."

After a week Chelsea became an official Lightwood-Bane. She moved into one of our spare rooms in the loft. (picture up above)

She was the happiest girl as can be.

Every morning she would come wake Alec and I up to make her popcorn but we would always say no and just make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then we would watch this show called Paw Patrol with her (PAW PATROL PAW PATROL WE'LL BE THERE ON THE DOUBLE), then we would go to the institute to visit Aunt Izzy and Clary, Uncle Simon and Jace, and Grandma Mayrse. Then after a long day we would all come home and watch a Disney movie together.

Life couldn't get any better than this.
"Izzy! Izzy!" Chelsea screeched as she ran into her Aunt's room.

Isabelle put her make up brush down and looked at the young girl, still holding Popcorn.

"What are you putting on your face?" Chelsea questioned.

Isabelle looked back at the miscellaneous pile of make up behind her. "Oh this is make up. Just like your papa puts on."

Chelsea squealed and reached for the brush.

Isabelle pushed her away. "But your much to young to do this."

Chelsea pouted and folded her arms, grumpily.

"But..." Isabelle stated, "I could do it for you."

Chelsea nods in agreement and sits on the bed.

Alec held her daughter in his arms, which she had more make up on than a circus clown. "Isabelle what did you do to my daughter?" He asked and Isabelle just shrugged. "She asked for it." Isabelle stated. 

She was truly Magnus' daughter. She had glitter all over her face.

Alec sighs just as his lovely husband walks in.

Magnus starts to chuckle when he sees his daughter. "Now what happened to you Chelsea?" He asked. 

Chelsea pointed to Isabelle, who was sitting on the bed in the middle of the room . "Aunt Izzy did it!"

Isabelle put her hands up in protest. "She's lying she made me do it."

"Yes, because a toddler is so intimidating." Alec said sarcastically.

Alec has truly gotten sassier over the years. 

"Whatever." Isabelle stated.

Chelsea clapped her hands together and bubbles appeared around the room.

"Oh no."


Chelsea is now 5 and understands a little more about her magic. Since she is a warlock Magnus is homeschooling her. She is really interested in what she is learning everyday.

Alec was sat at the piano playing a sweet melody. He stopped the song when his daughter sat next to him.


"Yes sweetheart?" Alec responded.

"What's love?" She asked while pressing a few piano keys.

"Well..." He started. "It's when you have a really strong positive feeling for someone. Like I love you" Alec said while kissing his daughter's head which made her giggle, "And I love Papa, That's why I married him" Alec explained.

"Will we get married Daddy?" Chelsea questioned 

Alec laughed. "It's not like that, Chelsea." 

Chelsea was about to say something when Magnus walked into the loft with a wailing baby in his arms.

"Can we keep it?"

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