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So today I got bored

Yeah I know this is off I a bad start and I was bored so I looked up pictures of babies because I love babies and think they're the cutest thing ever and I want a baby just so I can take cute pictures of it.

Anyways I downloaded a whole bunch of pictures of babies wondering what I was going to do with them then I thought of you guys. We could vote for some children for Alec and Magnus (even though they already have some) but this is a fanfiction. I worked really hard on this idea so if you don't I'll be angry.

So basically I'm going to give options of how ever many children you want. You can pick one child or all of them (which I hope you don't) but just so you know the twins and triplets are as a group (all pictures above). Each picture will have a number and letter and you just comment which one is your favorite then comment name/names for them then we'll see all the votes. So which ever wins will be like the main children in the malec fanfictions but of course some will be without the children so we can have a break for them. If you want you can also say if you want the child/children to be for another ship

I would give it a time frame so people can vote and stuff but you guys pretty much do it instantly. But I'll give it one anyways. As soon as it hits August 27 where I live (Central American time zone) it'll be over. Also I'll try to get a chapter up tonight just im tired after doing all this (took hours) so I'll try

Puplove out👶🏻

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