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I know I got this idea from some other writer but I don't know who so I'll just say it's maybe ganseys-mint-plant or WakeUpAbercrombie both write amazing malec stories so check them both out

"Magnus, can you please watch our son Alexander. We have no one else we can turn to." Maryse pleaded to the sparkly warlock.

"I don't babysit, especially a lightworm kid." Magnus said going to close the door, but a foot in the way stopped the door from closing. "Please Magnus, we have no one else but you. I will pay anything."

~two hours later~

"Can you please just be quiet?" Magnus plead to the young blue eyed child, but he just wailed louder. He picked up the child carefully, more like he would pick up a dirty rag and the child's screaming started to quiet down. "Do you like that?" Magnus held the child closer to his chest and Alexander layed his head on the warlocks chest and settled down.

"I guess you aren't that bad, just needed some love." Magnus said keeping Alexander close to him.


While Magnus was away in the kitchen, Alec took this as a chance to explore the place. He got up on his two chubby legs and began to stubble around the apartment.

As he began his exploration, something shiny on top of a tall table caught his sight. He walked over to the table and reached for the object. No avail. Trying again, he stood on his tippy toes and knocked down the sharp object, it piercing his fragile young head.

As blood dropped from the adolescents head he wailed as loudly as possible to get the attention of his temporary caretaker. Magnus rushed in the swooped up child and used his magic to quickly heal the cut, even though it still left a scar. "There no you're all better."

~present time~

"Magnus, stop. That tickles." Alec chuckled as I continued to nip at the deflect rune on his neck that I love so much.

He kept letting out shaky laughs while trying to push me off until I found that special spot.

Slight intense warning?⚠️
If your really pure then skip you should kinda skip the rest

Alexander let out a deep groan. "Mm, Magnus." I laughed at this action. He was also so easy to sexual persuade.

Once that spot was found I did the works on it. Licking, biting, sucking until all was left was purple bruises that you could barely see in the way of the rune. I ran my hands under the shadowhunters shirt to feel his hard abs. Oh were they amazing. I pulled his shirt above his head and immediately went to lick and suck all down his abdomen. Alec was a moaning mess.

I trailed my kisses back up his neck and up to his head. I pushed his head out his forehead only to find a familiar scar. "Alexander, where'd you get this scar?" I questioned. Alec just shrugged. "I don't know my parents its from when I was a baby." I nodded and just continued to please my darling Alexander.

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