About damn time

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About a few months later Liliana was about to pop. The last time I heard from her, They decided that it was best for them to wait until the babies are born before they came back. Adrian was better but still gets occasional pain. The rest of the girls decided that it was time for them to go home. The Nameless was the top gang in the country. Thanks to Adrian's mindset and Sarina's skills.

Sarina's POV
I wake up with arms tightly wrapped around me, "Adrian... let go! " I whined as I attempt to sit up. Adrian wasn't budging, and he pulled me back towards him. " ahh what the hell!" He looked at me and laughed "you're a real pain in the ass you know that?!" He chuckles " yeah, but importantly I'm your pain in the ass" I roll my eyes "whatever" my phone was ringing

"hello?" I answered "Hi  Ms. Delapaz, this is doctor Gina Winters, Liliana's doctor. We wanted to inform you and Mr. Spencer that your brother and Liliana had their babies last night" Oh my god "ADRIAN THEY HAD THEIR BABIES!!!!"

Adrian's POV
"Really!!!" She nods and asks the doctor " did they pick out their names yet? Oh okay, bye thank you" I wonder what their names are "they picked out names but aren't telling anyone till they come back. Which is in a few weeks or so!"Sarina said excitedly. I can't wait to see them! Sarina went to the bathroom to take a shower, I get a call from Damian " hey Adrian you told me to call you and remind you that you have a meeting today" oh great " what time?" I asked " in about an hour or so. And the girls have a meeting in an hour and a half, remind Sar."Great "okay, I will thanks Damian" I hung up " Sar don't forget your meeting" I yelled to her " yeah I know" she yelled back from the shower.

*Time skip to about a few hours later*
It was around four-ish Sarina's meeting went well but mine, however, went bad, at the meeting they told me that there was a rat problem within the gang. We didn't want to risk anything they may know too much. "Sarina, Me and the guys have something to take care of something " she looked at me " do you mean someone?" As her look became a glare. " something, someone same difference." She continued to glare. She huffed and went upstairs and got changed. I know she hates when I have to do what needs to be done even kill. I told her that she and the other girls should maybe watch movies or something until we come back since it's probably going to take a while. " love you bye " I kissed her on her cheek and left, She's still mad. We met up and went on to deal with the problem.

Sarina's POV
I decided to do what Adrian said  I had the girls come over and we ended up ordering pizza and wings. We watched a few movies. First, we watched lights out, Suicide Squad and boo! A Madea Halloween. The films were great we all had a great time. We thought the boys would be back after three movies, but the boys were gone a lot longer than we expected. They called us and told us not to wait up, so we didn't we got showers and brushed our teeth. We got lazy and decided that we would camp out in the living room. We wanted to watch another movie before going to sleep, so we watched Deadpool since it's a fucking bombass movie. It was about one in the morning when we fell asleep.

Adrian's POV

After we took care of the rat problem. We return home around three am in bloodstained clothes. The girls were still sleeping on the couch. We looked at our girls and back at ourselves "shit, was covered in blood guys" we all run upstairs to our bathrooms, And cleaned up our mess. We go back downstairs "thank god they are still asleep." I pick Sarina up and carry her up to our room. "Adrian?" she mumbled " go to sleep," she said nothing and fell back asleep.

Please don't hate me
*TIME SKIP about A week and a half later *

Adrian's POV
Everything has been going by great. I hope everything goes as planned I thought to myself as I asked Xavier "So do I have your permission?" I ask more nervous than ever I wanted to go straight by the book on this. "No, I'm not letting you take the easy way out" wait for what! " what do you mean you're not going to give me permission." I don't know what to say "why? Xavier you know I love your sister more than anything in the world!" He sighs "you will not ask me over the phone, to marry my sister. It's not going to happen!" I lose all nervousness it became anger, I hung up. He called back " what could you possibly want!?! " I asked with anger " The only way that I will ever let you marry my sister is if you open this god damn door and ask me in person. " I run to the door and open it. He was holding two babies in car seats. " now you can ask me, face to face or not at all..." I chucked I see Liliana smiling "so Xavier will you let me ask your sister to marry me?" He chuckled " well it's about damn time " I smiled " wait!what's Their names!?" Liliana smiles " Adrian meet Matteo and Hayden. I took Matteo out of his car seat he was in his little onesie that said if you think I'm cute you should see my uncle. I chuckled and talked for a while; I held baby Hayden too. Then Liliana said " we still have to go surprise Sarina well at least I am with these two troublemakers, Xavier you're coming too" I laughed "good luck with that I'll see you guys later, I need to stop by a few places." They smiled " see you later, good luck!"

Sarina's POV
I heard a knock; I wonder who was, I open the door and see my brother his kids and Liliana I hug Liliana and met my beautiful niece Hayden and my adorable little nephew Matteo I was so excited that they came home. We caught up a little. After catching up Xavier and Liliana left. I got a call from Adrian saying " we haven't been on an actual date for a long ass time." I chuckle " yeah it's been a while..but it doesn't want to go anywhere today". I whine " please Sar" I groan " fine" Like that Adrian somehow convinced me to go out with him on a date. It's been seven months since we've gone on a date we haven't been able to since Adrian was in charge. But tonight he left just Damian in charge.

First, he bought me a beautiful dress. It fit perfectly, the black fabric accented my curves perfectly. We rode around town together. He took me to a rooftop restaurant, and It was so AMAZING. Everything was so perfect he left to pay and all of the sudden I feel hands covering my eyes "Adrian what the hell are you doing?!?" I chuckled "just keep them closed okay!" I hate when does stuff like this I thought to myself as he escorted me somewhere."Fine..." he lets go of my face, and  I keep my eyes closed until he told me to open my eyes. I got excited and nervous at the same time " Adrian, you know I hate surprises!" He chuckled nervously " I know, but I think you're going to love this one, open your eyes."

As soon as I open my eyes, he's down on one knee with a small black box in his hand. As he opened the box showing off a stunning white gold ring aligned diamonds he asked: " Sarina ... will you marry me?" Oh my god, it was perfect!!! I chuckle "Well it's about damn time you asked, " I say he smiles "so yes?" I look at him "well duh," and I kiss him.

Adrian's POV
Holy shit, killing people was more relaxed than that. But she said yes that's all that matters. I can't believe she said yes. I take her home, was in the car " Sarina?" She mumbled a half-awake response "huh" she looked so tired "I love you " still barely awake "I l-loves you too" she mumbled I chuckled "What are you laughing at ?" I continued driving "nothing goes to sleep" she didn't even answer she was knocked out. I think everything just drained her.

We get to the house it doesn't seem right though, I have Sarina in my arms bridal style, and then the whole fucking gang showed up out of nowhere "SURPRISE!!!!" I dropped Sarina.... she still was asleep. She's going to kill me; I laid her down on the bed, and walk downstairs. " sooo?" At least 20 people were asking "what?" They all glared "oh yeah....she said yes" they cheered. "So when is the wedding!?" I've been engaged for less then half an hour and they are already asking when the wedding day is?! " I honestly have not the slightest clue, Sarina is the decision maker" I chuckle.

Sarina's POV
Oh my god, I'm engaged...ow why does my ass hurt! Ow, It feels bruised? I heard "Sarina? Are your awake..?" It was Adrian " uh yeah I'm awake, hey Adrian? Why do I have this bruise." He was quiet, " did I fall or something...." he said nothing "did you drop me" he remained quiet so I assume that's what happened...

AS OF (1-16 2019 ) WE HAVE OVER 80 K READS YALL STILL AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Oh my gosh 4K!!! Thanks, guys you're awesome!! 👏🏽 Sorry about that crazy ass wait. This one is longer than most of my chapters/ parts usually are around 800- 1000 words and this one is well over it 1703 to be exact. So yeah I hope you guys like my story feel free to message me, comment! I will answer! Well, that's it thanks again.
~white sparrow

Ps, not an update, I noticed some errors that needed to be fixed ~white-Sparrow

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