Split With No Tear

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Brandon Croft stood at a corner in front of his locker in the boys locker room while he ran his hand through his wet hair, after a quick run in the shower. He secretly wished they were at least a few girls here to swoon over his a-little-bit-over-the-top sexy demeanor. Brandon had always been known to go over the top when he does a lot stuff. The way he dresses, during football practice and games, even with the number of girls he hooks up with.

The worst was when he had fifty girls compete for who was going to be his weekend mistress. That might sound ridiculous, but more than sixty girls were in a wild goose chase for it. Who else was eligible for Kingka, if it wasn't Brandon Croft.

It wasn't long before the rest of the guys joined him in the locker room and he groaned internally, since his solitary moment was going to be interrupted.

The rest of the guys..... Craig, Cameron, Austin, Keith and Kyle. Guys that were probably worshipped by the rest of the school population because of their damn influence, well sculptured faces and bodies, hot girlfriends but Brandon saw them as nothing but a bunch of lackeys that had nothing better to do except spend their parents money, party overnight and getting high on E.....well except Kyle.

Kyle was almost the only reason that makes Brandon not to go overboard on stuffs, and act a little bit responsible. Kyle was just as fucked up as the rest of them, but there was just something about him that drives Brandon to an unbearable edge. But yet he always tries to ignore that the major part of that was because he was dating Ashley Van den Buren. Brandon was more popular, he drove the best cars, his shoes were of a different class but yet Stornoway always sounded better Croft. It didn't help that they had been friends since elementary school, it was just that guys had a better way of masking their feelings than girls.

"I'm still bummed from the party, but there's this new maid who didn't mind giving me a head. That was definitely a way to start my day" Austin chimed from where he stood, his grin almost reaching his ears as he relived the memories of his sexual fantasies.

"Lucky you, I have an old maid who keeps forgetting what day it is. It's high time she got fired" Cameron added not happy about the fact he was not getting the same sexual treatment as his friend.

"And I have a shitty girlfriend" Craig piped in causing a reaction from Brandon.

"You don't have a shitty girlfriend, Brooke has a shitty boyfriend" Brandon looked over, causing a stare down which lasted for a few seconds before Craig looked away first, a broad smile spread across his lips.

"Fair point" Craig said. "But I bet she can't break up with me. I'm putting my new 50k Rolex watch on the line for that"

"I probably don't need it, but it'll be good to donate something to Charity this weekend" Brandon smirked, while he secretly hoped Brooke wouldn't chicken out on the first plan, because this wasn't just about Craig and Brooke. It was about him too, he had a plan that needed to be carried out accordingly.

He just needed her back.....

Brooke Sherbrooke kept shooting daggers into her own eyes as she stared at the large flat mirror plastered on the wall in the female toilet. Her mini episode with Ashley hadn't gone so well, and Ashley had marched out leaving her with nothing more than a bruised ego. While she tried recollecting herself and whatever was left of her pride she kept chanting the words

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