Once Upon Now - A Valentine Story

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In honor of Valentine's Day, the ultra-talented BrittanieCharmintine wrote this Once Upon Now medley. See if you can find all 10 fairy tales in the story!

Once Upon Now - A Valentine Story

It's February 14th, and you're minding your own business, eating an entire box of See's candy (avoiding the ones with the unnatural cherry syrup) while reading Once Upon Now for the 138th time. You sigh, wondering why your boyfriends all turn out to be bad hoodlums like Bluebeard? Why can't they be the sexy heartthrob-of-gold hoodlums like Rob Hood? A daydream commences where Rob sweeps you into his arms, carries you off to an orange grove, and lays you gently on a bed of delicate blossoms.

Then the fantasy switches over to Prince Phil leaning over your bed to kiss you awake from eternal slumber. As Phil's lips are about to touch yours, the phone rings. Your fantasy dissolves.

Why are fantasies always disrupted by ill-timed phone calls? You plan to write a letter of complaint to every romance author who ever lived. Yes! Even to the dead ones.

"What?" you snap, not bothering to keep the grumpiness out of your voice.

"Your pizza is here," says Trevor, the cute new doorman.

"I didn't order anything," you say. "But thanks, Trevor," you add because you really were being impolite, and it's not Trevor's fault that all your dates for Valentine's Day are fictional.

"Sorry," says Trevor. "But while you were musing there, I accidentally sent up the pizza guy. I thought you were about to change your mind because it sounded like you were pretty lonely."

Trevor read your mind? You must be more careful about telegraphing your internal reveries. The doorbell rings. "Uh, Trevor, I don't want to be mean, but you're supposed to screen my visitors."

"Got it," he says. "Screen pizza deliverers at all times." He chuckles and hangs up.

The doorbell rings again. You set down your copy of Once Upon Now. "Coming," you say, picking stray bits of chocolate off your sweatshirt and out of your long braid.

You open the door, and standing in the hallway is a bare-chested, golden-skinned god in Hawaiian-print bathing trunks and a bow tie, holding a box from Siren Sisters pizza. "Cupid?" you manage to spit out instead of fainting from lack of blood and oxygen to your head.

"The one and only," he says, striding past you into your mess of a living room. He tuts at the wreckage on the coffee table—half-drunk cups of coffee turned to science experiments; Chinese food boxes with stray noodles hanging over the edge as if they're trying to escape; decapitated strawberry-banana shortcake muffins (hey, the crispy top is the best part of a muffin!) It all disappears at a wave of his hand. Cupid sets the pizza box on the table and puts his hands on his hips, giving you the once over. "Honestly. Have some pride woman. Do you ever leave this place?"

"I do ..." you sputter.

"You're one of those shut-ins, right? Like Rapunzel? Look at that hair. Cupid waves his hand again. You turn into a large white egret with yellow feet. "Wait, that's not right." He snaps his fingers and now you're in a ridiculously short white dress with yellow stiletto heels. Your braid is gone, replaced by soft, shoulder-length waves.

"Hey ..."

"You can thank me later," he says.

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome. Bye now." Cupid turns into a fat green frog and leaps on to the windowsill.

"Wait," you cry. "I'm on the fifth floor." But it's too late. Cupid is gone. He's a god, though. He'll probably be fine. You sit down on the loveseat and open the box of pizza. The words "will you be my Valentine?" are spelled out in pepperoni. Who could this be from?

The doorbell rings. Tugging the bottom of your dress, you wobble on the stilettos over to the door and open it. "Trevor?"

He hands you a rose and kisses your hand. "Hope you like pizza," he says.

"I like it even more now," you say, leading him to the loveseat and offering him a slice.


With Once Upon Now, anyone can have the best Valentine's Day ever. Get your copy today! [The best place is Target, but see External Link for more info.]

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