Polaris | The Team |

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    Bell looked down. She held out the gun he had used.
    "What happened?..." Noah questioned.
    "After the explosion, when you guys left, Carl and me were behind the phone tower... And there were these things the things grabbed him and... I don't know... I saw them run off with him to the north and they disappeared from my sight." Bell said in a low voice.
    "Any distinct details you saw about them!" Noah questioned.
    "Well, when the thing grabbed him I saw a number on it's arm." Bell said, "The number looked like, 2187."  Just then there was a scream from inside the log. Noah and Bell ran in to see the two people at the log, the one was armed. Cat limped next to Noah.
    "Are you friends or foe!" The unarmed guy said. The armed guy looked tense like he never held a gun in his life. Suddenly the armed guy pulled the trigger, the blast just missed Cats head. Everyone looked at him.
    "Alex be careful!!! You could have taken her head off!" Chris scolded.
    "Don't worry, we mean you no harm." Noah said calmly. Suddenly Will popped out of the corner of the log.
    "DIE FOES!!! Aahhhhhhh!" Will yelled while he ran guns blazing.
    "WILL STOP their friends!!!" Chris yelled over the sound of the lazer rounds hitting the log, Will continued.
    "Will!!" Chris said and grabbed the rifle out of his hands. "Will they're friends to us!"
"Ok, sorry about that guys." Will said then looked down.
"It's fine. Bell was just telling me what she saw on the things arm. So what was it you saw on its arm?" Noah asked.
"What did this thing like exactly, Bell?" Alex said in a worried face.
"Umm it was big... Had big ARMS... And was a blue-ish cool." Bell said trying to recall all the times she saw the thing. Chris looked at Will. Will looked at Alex. Alex looked back at Chris. They were thinking the same thing, and literally the same thing. It was one of the Alfa aliens that was "killed" by the nuke. But it must have survived. They would have to go through it to get to the man behind 2187. Chris realized the number on Jacobs arm was 2187! Maybe Jacob was a threat to them.
"So we need to get your friend back, Carl. And you need to destroy that Alfa before it multiplies. How about we teem up to destroy the man together." Noah suggested. "We might need the firepower."
"Alright, let's do it." Will said. All of the sudden a bright blue light shown from the sky. They all ran outside to see what it was. It was a big star, a bright star, it was Polaris. The star looked like it was going to burst.
"What's going on with the star?" Cat questioned. The star had gotten bright and looked blue... Then red... Then back to blue again!
"I'll see." Will said, then pulled out a telescope from his bag. It was silent for a long time while Will looked through the rustic telescope. Will gasped.
"What is it Will!?" Alex asked.
"I can't find the star." Will said. Noah started to get annoyed.
"Here let me look!" Cat yelled limping over to the telescope.
Cats eyes widened, "It looks like... Disks? Yeah disks with blue and red lights." Chris looked frightened.
"How many of them are there?" Chris said quickly, "And what do they look like?"
Cat staggered, "Umm... I don't know! A lot..."
Chris quickly responded, "What do they look like?" Cat took her eye from the telescope and looked up at a UFO ( it's the same UFO that showed up in the first book "2187" ) hovering over the log.
Cat walked over to Chris and said, "Like that."

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