Chapter 7

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I saw a black spirit that almost seemed real. She had a face but her body was just spirit.

"Oh I have waited so long and finally you have freed me out." She said.

Then she put out both of her hands and both of them had a symbol on them.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked in terror.

"The day will come when everyone will know my name. Find it. Bring it and you shall weep tears of gold." she said.

"Find what?" I quickly interrupted.

"The Mask Of Anubis of course! Find it before anyone else or lose your life." she said.

Then she dissiapeared...


I woke thinking everything was just a dream. But I had a symbol on my arm. The same one as the black spirit did. I need to find out what the symbol means...

I went downstairs to tell Fabian and show him the symbol.

"Fabian yesterday I went up to the attic room to insure that the cup of Ankh was safe and I turned around And saw a black spirit and she said I need to find the mask of Anubis before anybody else does. Plus she gave me this." I said showing him my arm.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's a curse and that's some kind of symbol I'm not really sure what it represents thought." I said

Then Victor saw me...

"What's that on your arm?" he asked.

"It's a tattoo it umm it comes off don't worry." I quickly lied.

Mara's POV

I came into Mick's room but he was talking to his dad on his phone.

"I'm not interested ok I got to go now bye." He said to the phone

"I need to go for a run." he said

"Wait what was that all about?" I asked.

"My family is going to Australia but I'm staying here I already told them." he said.

"Wow that's big!" I said.

"Yeah, but this is home." he said giving me a kiss.

Joy's POV

I saw Nina and Fabian talking to each other. I was at the other side of the room talking to Patricia.

"What does he see in her? Except she's really pretty." I said while rolling my eyes.

"They just have a lot in common." she said.

"Yeah, well from now on I'll have loads in common with Fabian too." I said.


"Before we begin biology I have a special announcement. We have been asked to present an officiant bid to host an exhibition." said Mr Sweet.

"Yes the touring treasures of ancient Egypt and it is very important we win this bid. So we need 3 volunteers to help us prepare the bid." Said Victor.

Mara and Fabian raised their hands so I quickly raised mine too just to work with Fabian.

"We make a great team don't we Fabian. Must be all that stuff we have in common." I said.

I could see Nina getting angry and that's exactly what I wanted...

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