Chapter 2

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"Angel why didn't you try to save me? You didn't even try! You are such a worthless bitch I always knew we shouldn't of had you. I always fought for you and your mother but you couldn't do the same for me."

"Dad I promise I tried! I know it's all my fault I blame myself everyday for what happened"

"Good it should have been you maybe do your mother a favor and end it right now"

"I'm so sorry"

My eyes bust open I can barley even breathe replaying everything my father said in my head.

"Calm down angel it was just a dream you have these all the time" I said out loud

But this one just felt so much more real I look at the clock and realize it 4 am I know I'm not gonna be able to fall back asleep so I go into my bathroom to take a cold shower.

Once I get out I wrap my towel around my body and stare in the mirror. Why am I so ugly my thighs touch, my arms are far from looking like sticks. I never realized how ugly I was until now everything about me looked horrible my skin wasn't glowy I didn't have a thigh gap I could pinch some fat from my stomach.

No wonder why a boy has never noticed me or why I don't have any friends. It was so clear to me now and I had to change it.

I stepped on the scale, 120 pounds. I couldn't believe it! I knew what I had to do, so I stuck my fingers down my throat and then flushed the toilet.

Already feeling skinny I marched my way to my closest and picked out a a white lacy long sleeve dress and black tights feeling confident enough to wear this. I curled my hair and put on some makeup and slipped on some flats. Walking out the door skipping breakfast and to my school.



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Saving an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now