Chapter 3

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That's what school was, all the looks
people give you all the people who think they are better than you.

I hate it, I hate this why did I think it was a good idea to dress up for the first day and have attention drawn to me.

Everyone is just looking at me probably talking about how fat and ugly I am.

I shrug it off becuase I can't be late to my class so I start walking to my first class Earth Science.

I actually like this class so this is a plus.

After a few more classes it's lunch time.

I always sit alone because I don't have any friends I know it makes me sound weird and everything but I just don't like interacting with people I don't know.

I sit there with nothing in hand, my stomach starts to growl so I grab a water bottle hoping that will tie me over for a bit.

A girl walks by and stops and looks at me and asks

"Hey I'm new here would you mind if
I sit here with you"

I mean I obviously am not gonna say no it's a free country

"Yeah sure" I said

"I'm Rylyn and I just started at this school, also why are you sitting on the floor"

"I'm Angel and I don't have any friends to sit with so I just sit here and wait for my next class" I said

"Well I don't have any friends either so I think we would make good friends" she said looking me in the eyes

"Umm yeah sure why not"

hmmmm a friend this might be nice

As I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't realized what was going on at the "populars" table everyone in the cafeteria had their phones out recording the biggest bitch of all time Bailey Smith on Tyler Tress's lap hardcore making out with him.

Now this hurt a little I mean obviously I knew that he would never like me in the first place but she treats him like garbage he deserves way better and I'm not gonna lie I've always had a crush on him but I only talked to him once and that was because I asked if he likes cheese back in 7th grade because I was so nervous I just blurted out whatever was on the top of my head.

I heard the bell ring and I know it's time for my next class

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