Chapter 4

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Walking out of the school doors only to realize that it's pouring rain.

"Great" I mutter to myself

I'm 17 and I don't have my license, for certain reasons and I'm okay with that because I do not want it.

I curse myself for not grabbing my umbrella so I put my backpack over my head and start to run.

As I'm running I trip on my untied shoe lace, I cringe at my scraped knee but even worse I fell in a muddy puddle.

"God damn it there's mud on my new shirt"

I'm trying to wipe it up until a audi r8 pulls up next to me

"Well aren't you just a clumsy mess"

The one and only Tyler Tress why me I look like a rat with all this mud all over me

"Uh yeah just had a little accident"

"Why are you walking in the rain?"
He asked

"I don't have a car stupid"

Only now did I just realized I called him stupid.

I stare down at the ground to hide my blush from embarrassment

"I'm stupid now thanks for the nickname babe"

My cheeks start to burn up I can just tell I look like a freaking hot cheeto

"I'm sorry it just kinda slipped"

Now he was just staring at me and it just got silent not an awkward kind though it felt comforting

"Well hop in muddy" he said while chuckling

"You think I'm gonna just hop in the car with you I barley know you" I say while raising my brow

"Everyone knows me" he scoffs "plus we are already on a nickname basis so I'd say we aren't complete strangers" he said smirking

"Fine but only because it's raining"
I huffed and walked to the passenger door I stepped in and buckled in

"Ah ah ah be careful she just got cleaned and you little miss muddy are not going to make her dirty" he said

"So it's a her" I laughed

"Yeah and SHE doesn't appreciate your dirtyness"

"Hey your the the one who offered me a ride"

"Yeah Yeah so where do you live" he said as a light turned green

I told him and the rest of the way we just sat and listened to the radio

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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