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*She's also one of our amazing admins.

How did you first get started with the Beatles?

Well my dad is a big rock n roll fan and he loves music. So he kind of passed it down to me and I have been listening to The Beatles since I was six. But anyway, I was about twelve or thirteen and I was in school. One of my friends had a Abbey Road Beatles pencil case and I asked who they were since I only knew the mop top Beatles. She told me who they were and I said I didn't know them for some reason, I was kind of weird haha. But she was shocked and told me to pick one but not John or Paul (her favorites) so I picked George. Now ever since then my favorite has been George and I started to absolutely love them from that day forward!

Aw, that sounds like such a nice story!

And that also answers the next question, kind of.

Is there a member you identify with the most?

Even though I can relate to each of them, I can relate to George the most. I don't know why really. Yes, he is my favorite but there is just something about him. Yeah I love food and I'm quiet but I can be very funny. I break my shy shell around people I know very well. I just don't know, its a mystery!

But I am a very nice and sweet person once you get to know me. Some say I'm even a motherly figure to them. Just wanted to add that! I don't know why! I don't even think it answers the question!

Lottie, I can totally see that! I'm the mom of the group. I try and encourage everyone and tell them to go to sleep early. Also, you were mom-ing me about my homework yesterday!

Which album is your favorite?

My favorite album is Help! I love all the songs on the album and it has been one of my favorite's since I was a kid!

Favorite solo album?

Gosh I don't know I love all their solo albums! I'm debating between All Things Must Pass by George and Imagine by John. I just can't decide!

Favorite ship?

I do have a favorite ship! I'm not one for shipping the boys together, sorry! But I ship Paul and Linda! They were so cute together and she was practically Paul's first love! She's the mother of his first set of children! She was his baby and I can't imagine how sad and empty he felt inside when she sadly passed! I miss her!❤😭

Is there a particular story you are writing right now you are most excited for? If so, do you want to offer a spoiler?

Yes I do have a new story I am writing at the moment! Its called Across The Universe and its based off of the movie! Its just with The Beatles as the characters. Like Paul is Jude and John is Max! I also added a couple characters like Michelle, Eleanor Rigby, and Penny Lane. I'll add a spoiler but its a small one! But if you don't like spoilers don't read this! Let's just say that things don't go right with Prudence and Penny and Prudence breaks Penny's heart. Its not pretty!

Any favorite Beatles authors/books?

I have a couple but my most favorite authors are BuddysImpala, richardstarkeys,
peachylennon and hippie007,
skyIord, eIeanorrigby.

My favorite stories are Kit-Kay by Johnlennonaid, I will by Jones_harrison 'His Name Is' series by BuddyImpala, I Wanna Be Your Man by shootingstarr77 and Beatles React by missmaccasunshine. I hope that's not a lot!😁❤🙌

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