Chapter 1

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     Rain cascaded down the walls of the Jedi temple, as dawn drew nearer and nearer. All that could be heard within the stone walls was the pitter-patter of the falling water. At this time, the whole temple was sound asleep. Even the younglings, who normally made quite the noise, remained silent amongst the storm outside. Eva Starfall was the temple's only exception. The young girl was wide awake, anxiously staring at the ceiling above her. Today was the day Eva would be made a Padawan- the day that she would meet her new Master. It all seemed scary to her. While the girl knew well enough that fear lead to the dark side, there wasn't much she could do about the nerves jumbling within her. A memory of when the Council had first found Eva, after noticing her force sensitivity, flashed in the young one's mind.

     "Go on now, Eva. You musn't keep Master Kenobi waiting." said a young woman, rubbing her daughter's shoulder comfortingly.

     "I don't want to go!" Eva cried, refusing to let go of her mother's hand. She didn't want to leave home, no matter how "force sensitive" the Jedi claimed her to be. The young one barely understood what he meant.

     "You will be fine, Eva. The Jedi will take great care of you! You will learn how to be a peacekeeper of the galaxy, just like your father." her mother smiled.

     "Will I ever see you again?" Eva sobbed, unable to stop the tears that continued to well up in her eyes.

     "Of course. No matter how far apart we are, know that one day I will find my way back to you. Always." promised the woman, rubbing away the tears that fell down her daughter's cheek.

     Those were the last words that Eva ever heard from her mother. Shortly after, the Jedi led Eva onto a spaceship, where they flew far away from her home.

     "Fear not, young one. The Force will guide you." spoke Master Kenobi, crouching down to the small girl's height.

     "I don't even know what the Force is!" Eva cried. Tears continued to fall down the child's face- they hadn't stopped even once she got on the ship.

     "Well, the Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us- it binds the galaxy together. It even allows us to do amazing things." The Jedi explained, gazing around the room for an adequate example. Finally, his eyes landed on a flower vase resting on a table nearby. Obi-wan closed his eyes, and by the will of the force, moved the flower inside the vase to Eva's palm. The young girl looked at the yellow flower in her hand with wide eyes. For the first time throughout the whole day, she smiled. Being unable to stop herself, Eva hugged the Jedi tightly. Obi-wan, who was shocked at first, eventually recovered and returned the gesture. Somehow, the young girl knew that amongst it all, everything would be alright.

     Ten years later, and the same girl from before was about to become a Padawan. Eva's hair was still the lightest shade of blonde, and her brown eyes still glowed with interest of the world around her. Only now she was much older, a bit taller, and anxious of what was to come. Back in her youngling days, she hardly worried about anything. All the child knew was the temple- her friends within it, the way Master Yoda's eyes twinkled with wisdom. But now, she was finally moving forward.

     "Youngling, wake now you must. A Padawan, you will soon be." Master Yoda's voice called from outside the door, breaking Eva out of her thoughts. The girl jumped up from her bed quickly.

     "Yes, Master. I will just be a minute!" Eva spoke frantically, before rushing to her closet and practically throwing on her robes. She tied her hair into a ponytail, slipped on her boots, and stumbled out the door. Normally, Eva preferred to be ready ahead of time, but with the sun shining through the temple and the rain gone, it was clear that morning had already come.

     "Lost in thought, you were?" Master Yoda questioned, as the two began to walk through the temple halls.

     "I was, Master. How did you know?" Eva wondered. To her, it seemed as if there was nothing Master Yoda could not sense.

     "Known you since you were a child, I have. Easy to sense, your feelings are." The Jedi Master spoke, stopping in his tracks once they had reached the Council room doors.

     "Wait here until you are called, you must." he added, before hobbling into the Council room. Eva let out a small sigh. The girl was anxious- that was for sure, but she quickly dissolved her uneasy feelings into the force. The last thing Eva wanted was the Council to sense her emotions, and deem her unworthy of becoming a Padawan. Her good friend, Ahsoka Tano, had recently become an apprentice to Master Anakin Skywalker. Eva was eager to join Ahsoka, and aid her fellow Jedi in the war against the Separatists. Finally, she could become a peacekeeper of the galaxy, just as her father once was.

     "Eva Starfall, the Council is ready for you." A young Jedi Knight spoke, snapping Eva out of her thoughts. The girl nodded with an uneasy smile, and entered the Council room as instructed. She walked to the centre of the room, and bowed in respect.

     "Young Eva, you have proved yourself worthy of becoming a Padawan. This, however, will not be an easy task." Master Mace Windu spoke, as Eva stood up straight.

     "I understand, Master Windu." She nodded.

     "Then, do you accept the challenge of serving as a Padawan learner, and hereby swear to protect the Galaxy as a peacekeeper?" The Jedi questioned, staring intently at the young girl.

     "I do, Master Windu." Eva bowed, with sincerity clear in her tone.

     "Very well. A Padawan, you have become. Waiting for you, your Master is." spoke Yoda, who gazed upon Eva with twinkling eyes.

     "Finally!" The girl thought with excitement. "Jedi Knight, here I come."

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