Chapter 2

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     "A new Padawan? You're taking on a new Padawan?" Anakin Skywalker gaped at his old Master, in outrage.

     Obi-wan looked at Anakin, and shook his head with a sigh. "Yes, Anakin. Tell me, what is so hard to believe about that? Teaching is a privilege! You should know this by now." he spoke, gesturing to Ahsoka. The young togruta stood with her arms crossed, and a wide smirk was visible on her face.

     "Are you going to like it more than me? I'm offended, Obi-wan! I thought you would never take another Padawan, after already training the best possible apprentice you could ever have!" Anakin exclaimed, looking to Ahsoka for support, who only grinned in amusement.

     "Don't refer to my Padawan as an it, Anakin. She's a youngling with a name, just as you once were!" Obi-wan retorted.

     Anakin's eyes widened, and he pointed a finger at his old Master accusingly. "This is an outrage, Obi-wan! You're already defending the kid when you haven't even met her yet? You already like her better than me!" the young man declared.

     "Don't be silly, Anakin. What kind of example are you setting for your Padawan?" Obi-wan said, placing a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder.

     "Don't bring Ahsoka into this!" Anakin replied, about to say more, when his com-link started to beep. "What is it, Rex?" he answered.

     While Anakin spoke to Rex, Obi-wan turned to Ahsoka, who he had not seen in a while. "How has your training been going, young one?"

     "Pretty well, Master Kenobi! I'm looking forward to meeting your new Padawan! Do you know her name yet?" Ahsoka smiled brightly.

     "Unfortunately not. I was only told that it was a girl, about your age, if I'm not mistaken." The Jedi Master replied. Ahsoka nodded in understanding, before Anakin finally ended the call with Rex.

     "The boys need us, Snips." The young man spoke, gesturing for Ahsoka to follow him as he began to walk away. "And we aren't finished here, Obi-wan!" he added, shooting one last glare in his old Master's direction.

     "I'll fearfully await your return!" Obi-wan replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Once the pair were far enough away, Obi-wan shook his head with a laugh. He then began to make his way towards the Council room, where the Jedi would finally meet his new apprentice. As the man approached, a young Jedi Knight waiting by the door looked at him expectantly.

     "Master Kenobi, your Padawan is waiting for you inside. I hear she's quite strong with the force." The young woman smiled.

     "Thank you, Knight Aria, is it? Well, I mustn't keep her waiting then." Obi-wan returned the smile, before entering the Council room.

     "Welcome, Master Kenobi. Meet your new Padawan, Eva Starfall." said Master Windu. The girl turned around to meet her new Master's gaze. She smiled and bowed respectfully.

     "It's a pleasure to be in your service, Master Kenobi." Eva spoke. On the outside, the girl remained calm, but on the inside, she was jumping for joy. Obi-wan Kenobi was a long time friend of hers- he was the one who had taken her to the Jedi Temple when she was small.

     "The pleasure is all mine, Padawan. Come, we have much to discuss." Obi-wan replied, before they both bowed to the Council and exited the room. Once they were alone, Obi-wan put a hand on Eva's shoulder with a friendly smile.

     "Look at how you've grown, little one. You look just like your mother!" The man spoke, earning a grin from Eva.

     "Well, most people do grow after ten years!" She shrugged. Obi-wan chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

     "Precisely. I heard from Knight Aria that you have advanced force abilities?" The man wondered.

     "Oh, Knight Aria flatters me. I wouldn't say my force abilities are anything special." Eva replied, shaking off the compliment.

     "Ah, I see you have already learned to be humble. An honourable Jedi trait. My old apprentice, on the other hand..." Obi-wan rubbed his beard in thought. Eva laughed at the mention of Anakin Skywalker. She respected the young man a lot- he really was an incredible Jedi. The girl only remembered seeming him in person once or twice. With the war going on, not a lot of Jedi normally remained at the temple. Even during her Padawan ceremony, there were many Jedi present only in hologram form.

     "Obi-wan!" A voice coming from the Jedi Master's com-link exclaimed. "Looks like we've got a new mission. Head to the landing area, we'll pick you up."

     "Roger that, Anakin. Are you prepared to meet my new Padawan?" Obi-wan questioned, with clear amusement. The young man on the other end scoffed.

     "Just hurry up, old man. We'll talk about that later." Anakin promised, before ending the call.

     "What does he mean, Master?" Eva wondered, as the pair began to make their way to the landing area.

     "Oh, that was just some friendly banter. Don't fret, young Padawan. It appears that you will be going on your first mission earlier than expected." The Jedi Master stated. Realization dawned upon Eva. She had a feeling that her life was about to become... a lot more complicated.

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