Chapter One : First Day

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A/N: I'm not from NY so the ones who are gotta help me with some shit if I get something wrong. And for that being said I'm making up a name for the high school I'm too lazy to google anything atm.

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"Ma, come on, this isn't right-"

"You're the new kid shut up and go so you don't have to be the new kid anymore." She cut me off as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"If you wanted to stay with your damn father then you should've just told me and I didn't have to fight for your ungrateful ass-"

"Okay, okay, ma I'm here with you, I love you." I said genuinely as she drove me to the new school I was attending to.

"Good, I love my baby too." She said and I smiled as I held my granola bar but she eventually snatched it out of my hand.

"And if you really loved me you wouldn't let your child starve! Mom!" I whined and she giggled evilly as she ate the bar.

"Hush they have breakfast at school." She chuckled before turning on the radio and listening to the familiar voice of the Ricky Smiley morning show.

Five long minutes later my mom stopped in front of the school and put the wrapper from the granola bar in my hand.

"Okay, get out of my car." She said and I pouted feeling my nerves rise up as I watched teenagers laugh and walk into the school.

"Mom I'm sc-"

"Bye, you'll be fine, okay? I love you." She said leaning over then kissed my head as she opened my door.

"Come on get out I forgot your sister at home." She said mentioning my ten year old sister and I sighed deeply as I got out of the car.

"But ma-" I was cut off when she closed the door and blew me a kiss before driving away.

"Damnit fucking shit." I mumbled to myself as I hated the anxiety that overtook me.

School started a couple days ago on Monday, September ninth and I was panicking for no reason at all. It was Wednesday. A lot of people would be new, right?

I made my way towards the entrance and kept my head low hoping to God no one would notice anything. I walked into the school and immediately saw the office as the school security bag and body checked each student. I paced my way through a few groups of people and walked straight into the office as I held my backpack against my shoulder.

"Uhm-" I abruptly stopped myself from speaking when I caught the attention of the older woman behind the counter.

"This is my first day here and Principal McDonnell said he'd have my schedule and locker information ready by today?" I asked and she nodded quickly before looking down at some papers then typed on the computer.

"Y/N?" She asked smoothly before pausing again, "Y/L/N?" She looked up at me and I nodded with a small smile to rid of my awkwardness.

"Yes, ma'am." I nodded and she flipped through a file before handing me a piece of paper.

"Alright, here we go now, just go up those stairs and most of your classes will be on the third floor. But your electives will be on the first, okay? Just past those doors is the electives hall." She pointed with her pen and I nodded with another small smile before looking at my classes.

I hated this feeling so much.

"Thank you, Ms. Corace." I gave the woman a toothy smile and she smirked.

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