Chapter One

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Sitting alone in the classroom felt like forever. As i sat there i could hear the clock ticking loudly waiting for 4:30 to arrive. I could hear the chatter and laughter of the other kids and saw through the window of the detention room as they emerged out the school gates. The time seemed to be taking forever and slowly my sleepy eyes dozed off in a dream.

"Pssst," came the noise from the nearby window which I was looking from earlier. It was my best friend Kate; we'd been best friends since we were toddlers. Kate had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and unlike me she didn't have to try hard to be beautiful. She was average height and had a personality to die for.

I turned to the direction of the window and whispered, "Ill be out soon, wait for me at the front gate." She nodded and ran off before Ms.Robinson could see her.

Minutes later the bell rang once more and finally detention or should I say hell was over. Hurriedly, i grabbed my bag and ran off before i got the lecture everyone ran away from. Today seemed to be my unlucky day and in no time she called me back. " Ms.Ella Cantina Rodriguez" she exclaimed. "Yes....." I answered with a rather low tone. "I hope your dog wont be eating your homework again, its not good for its health," she lectured sarcastically. I chuckled and fled from the imprisoned room.

When i got to the school gate, Kate was leaning against the iron bars sleeping. I shouted in her ear and she jumped with fright at my sudden surprise. We laughed and then started walking. "Homework again?"she asked inquisitively. "No, umm i, ummm... okay! It was homework, but you know I forget sometimes." She laughed and pulled me along as we increased the pace in our walking.

The conversations made time go by and soon we reached the junction of Blue Crescent. It was a lovely neighborhood just some blocks away from school. Kate lived two blocks further down from my house and when we arrived at my house we said our goodbyes and she left.

Before i could step inside I could her my dog Gus barking and anxiously scratching at the door. "Where have you been?" mom shouted while my little brother Max made funny faces at me from behind her. I ignored them both and ran upstairs to my bedroom while Gus followed me. After locking my door, I threw myself on the bed and soon enough fell asleep.

Only minutes later was i awoken by Max's loud noises from a video game he was playing. "Max turn it down," I shouted over the rock music. He was so stubborn he turned the music up louder. I got up and ran into his room and threw the game control on the floor and turned down the volume on the speakers. "Mom, Ella broke my game," he cried and ran downstairs with the broken control in his hand. "Finally, peace and quiet,"I chanted and Gus barked as if to agree.

On the verge of dozing off a second time, when I heard a 'clack' on the window. I looked out and saw Kate throwing peebles at it, trying to get my attention. I hurriedly changed out my uniform and threw on a pair of shorts and a v-neck and let down my golden curls with a bow to clip back my shorter curls from falling in my face. I sighed after failing to get the curls to stay and ran downstairs to meet her. "Why did you break your brothers game?" my mom shouted from the kitchen. Not bothering to answer i ran out the front door shouting 'bye mom.'

"Thanks Kate, you saved me back there!" She giggled, "But you still woke me up," I continued. "Where are we going?" I questioned. "To meet Emily and Brandon and then probably chill at Crescent park,"she answered. Emily and Brandon were twins but they looked nothing alike. Emily was tall and slender. She had dark brown hair and green eyes that shined like jewels. Brandon was the opposite of that; he was slim also but a bit shorter than her and he had grey eyes and light brown chiseled hair that looked good anyway it was.

We were all like the four musketeers. We took the shortcut through Palm Woods hotel to get to the park. Then Kate popped a question "Hey Ella do you still like Jake?" My entire face turned red which was the exact answer she needed. "You shouldn't be talking Kate, you like my brother ewwww!" Emily exclaimed. Jackson blushed but decided not to convey. Kate's whole atmosphere changed and she was all red like i was before. We raced the rest of the way already calling tabs for the swings. "I win!" Emily cheered breathing rapidly. Kate came in second panting like a dog glad to be at her destination. I came in third, i hated running but i joined in for the fun and of course Brandon came in last, walking instead. "He's so lazy!" Emily shouted. "I heard that," he said. Unfortunately, i forgot to take the last swing and Brandon snatched it in time. Emi and Kate went by the pond gazing at the ducks. I was alone so i walked over to Brandon as he drifted slowly in the swing. "Does Kate really like me?" he questioned. "Why don't you talk to her?" i asked. He shrugged and i knew that was the end of that conversation.

I ran over to the pond to join Emi and Kate while they laughed at god knows what.

I looked back over to the swings but Brandon wasn't there and no matter where i looked he was nowhere to be seen. Could he have disappeared in thin air?

It worried me; where could he have disappeared to? And thats when I saw Brandon standing next to - HIM. Oh no! What was he doing here?

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