Seirin [11]

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A blue-haired boy was walking around Seirin with a dog wearing a uniform following closely behind as they looked for a certain red-haired idiot.

"I wonder where Kagami-kun went..." Kuroko muttered to himself as Nigou only barked at him in reply before suddenly dashing off as Kuroko struggled to keep up.


A high-pitched scream could be heard as Kuroko turned around the corner and came face to face with Kagami who was somehow on top of the vending machine as he glared at the innocent puppy barking beneath him

"Kagami-kun, what on earth are you doing up there?" Kuroko asked as he stared at Kagami with a blank look while Kagami turned his glare to him instead.

"Kuroko-teme!Get that dog away from me!!!!" Kagami shouted as Nigou continued to bark at him.

"I apologise Kagami-kun.I forgot you were a scaredy-cat." Kuroko stated as he picked up Nigou who licked at his face.

Kagami hopped down from the vending machine as he scratched his neck while muttering "I'm not a scaredy cat!" as he went to fetch his drink from the machine which he was about to do before Nigou scared the crap out of him.The shadow and light of Seirin walked side by side down the hallways, with Nigou's occasional bark being the only sound heard between them.

"Kagami-kun, I'm going to go to Maji Burger's, would you like to come along?" Kuroko asked Kagami who nodded."I need a snack anyways." Kagami said as they turned at the junction to go there.

Kuroko bought his usual vanilla shake as Kagami bought his usual order of a mountain of burgers."I thought you said you were getting a snack, Kagami-kun." Kuroko voiced out as Kagami set down his tray which consisted of about 10 burgers or more down and began opening one

"This is my snack." Kagami grumbled as he bit into the burger.A question suddenly popped into Bakagami's thick head as he stared at Kuroko for awhile before asking: "Oi ,Kuroko.How did you learn how to use misdirection anyway?" Kagami asked Kuroko who stared at him for awhile before directing his stare to the cup in his hands.

"Why the sudden question, Kagami-kun?"

"Just curious" Kagami mumbled as Kuroko continued to stare at his cup in silence before speaking up.

"It was Akashi kun....and....Furiko-chan...."


"Furiko-chan" Kuroko called out behind the said girl who only smiled at she turned to look at him while the other members, apart from Akashi screamed like women.

"W-when did you get there Tetsu?!" Aomine shouted as Kuroko directed his stare to Aomine."I've been here the whole time, Aomine-kun."

"S-seriously?" Aomine asked the brown-haired girl next to him, who only nodded as she grinned at him.

"Yup!Tet-tet has been here for the past 10 minutes already!" she said to the confused team before turning back to look at the phantom sixth man of Teiko, who currently had a small pout on his face.

"Furiko-chan, could you please refrain from calling me that?" Kuroko asked the brown-haired girl whose crocodile tears started to form in her eyes.

"B-but I made that nickname just for you!Do you not like it?" she sniffed.

Kuroko sighed as he patted her head and gave her a small smile."No, it's fine Furiko-chan.I actually wanted to ask if you could spare some time to train me more on my misdirection.I think I still have room for improvement." Kuroko said as Furiko nodded,bobbing her head up and down before grabbing Kuroko and dragging him out of the gym,ignoring the shouts of the team as they walked out of the school.

"Ne ne, what do you say we stop at Maji's for some vanilla milkshake, Tet-tet?" Furiko asked as she threw him a heartwarming smile.

"I would like that very much, Furiko-chan..."


"Furiko eh?How strong is she?Would I stand a chance against her?" Kagami immediately blurted out as his mind raced on how possibly strong this girl who trained Kuroko might be.

"" Kuroko paused for a moment before staring at Kagami straight in the eyes.

"would be utterly crushed before you've even don't stand a chance..."

Kagami's eyes widened to the point that they were nearly as big as tennis balls before returning to their normal size.

"Then...what chance do I have of beating her?20%?15%?25%?" Kagami continued to ask as Kuroko was silent for awhile, before replying:



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