Rakuzan [4]

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The hallways of Rakuzan high were deathly silent as a red-haired male made his way towards the classroom, his hetochromatic eyes blazing with unexplained fury.He made a sharp turn around the corner before pushing open the doors to the classroom, startling the teacher that was teaching in there as well as the students.

No one dared to breath, not even the teacher who stared at the young Akashi in fright as he offered a small smile."A-ah, w-what brings you here today, Akashi-kun?" the teacher stuttered and nearly choked when Akashi turned his piercing hetochromatic eyes to him.The teacher immediately bowed, not daring to look up as Akashi stared at him for awhile before slowly opening his mouth to speak.

"I wish to borrow Kotaro, I do hope that isn't a problem." Akashi's voice rang out in the classroom with a cold and piercing edge to it as the teacher and students immediately turned their gazes to the said boy, who was snoring as he continued to sleep, unaware of the danger that was approaching him.

The teachers and students mentally prayed for Kotaro as Akashi, who was in front of him, brought out his scissors that he kept in his pocket.Kotaro suddenly let out a huge snore as he raised his hand, and without him knowing it, accidentally slapped Akashi's waist.

"!!!" The teachers and students looked at Kotaro in surprise before slowly trembling as Akashi slammed his sharp scissors down in front of Kotaro, creating a hole in the textbook that was propped open on the desk.

Kotaro slowly opened his eyes to the noise and his soul nearly left him when he saw the sharp scissors that could have easily penetrated through his skull was 10 millimetres away from his eyes.

"Ah.....ARGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kotaro screamed before toppling from his chair and hitting his head on the table behind him, successfully knocking him out cold.Akashi continued to glare before turning his head to the door where two specific basketball players were watching in fright and started sweating bullets when he turned his glare to them.

"Reo, Nebuya, I expect all of you to be in the gym in exactly 30 seconds...otherwise, I'm tripling your training menu." Akashi's order was absolute as he slowly trod out of the classroom, leaving two panicking males to pick up their unconscious friend and run like they've never ran before.


While Reo and Nebuya were running for their lives, Akashi was calmly strolling through the hallways towards the gym.A sudden sound of something hitting floor caught his attention as he looked towards the source of the sound.

He gently picked up the glass shogi piece which had the symbol '王' on it, which meant king.He gently fingered it as he felt himself sadden, looking at it.Because this....was a very important and irreplaceable gift...


"Juro-kun!!!!" a certain brown-haired girl shouted to the red head who turned around and stared at her with his beautiful ruby red eyes.

"Ah, Furiko-chan.Is there something you need?" Akashi questioned the said girl who grinned cheekily at him before pulling him down the hallway he was just walking through.

"Come on Juro-kun!Let's go have fun!!And I told you, you can call me Kimi-chan!" Furiko huffed as she kept on trying to pull the now resisting and flushed red-head.

"Please mind your words next time Furiko-chan.They may lead to a....misunderstanding.." Akashi hesitantly said as Furiko tilted her head cutely and stared at him innocently."Misunderstanding on what?" she asked as Akashi let out a sigh before shaking his head.

"No, it's nothing." Akashi said, knowing she wouldn't get it even if he explained it a thousand times to her.She was innocent (and dense) that way.

"Anyways, come on!We're gonna be late!Mr.Ikuro might be closing his shop soon!" Furiko exclaimed as she continued pulling along the undoubtedly confused red head.Who was Mr.Ikuro?


After running for awhile,they both stopped in front of what seemed to be a shogi shop.It had limited edition shogi boards displayed as Akashi eyed them with interest.Furiko sneakily snuck a peek at the red head and grinned when she saw him smiling gently at a particular shogi piece.

"Come on!Let's go in!" 

She pulled him into the shop and greeted a middle-aged man sitting behind the counter.The man had dyed blonde hair, a dragon tattoo on the side of his neck and was wearing earrings.Overall, he looked like a street punk.

Akashi took a protective stance in front of Furiko who was outright puzzled at what he was doing."Juro-kun?What're you doing?" she questioned as she stepped out from behind him and skipped to the counter, Akashi following closely behind while he eyed the man suspiciously.

"Ah, Furiko-chan!You came for that, didn't you?" Ikuro Daisuke smiled gently at the girl who nodded enthusiastically.

"Mm!You have it, right Ikuro-san?"

"Yup, I just finished making it yesterday.Here." Ikuro handed Furiko a beautifully wrapped red and gold box as she jumped in happiness with sparkles in her eyes."Thanks so much Ikuro-san!"

"Anything for my favourite customer.By the way, who's the kid over there?" Ikuro pointed at Akashi who continued to glare at Ikuro who sweatdropped.

"Hm?Oh, that's Juro-kun!Juro-kun, this is Ikuro Daisuke!He's the owner of this amazing shop!" Furiko explained as Akashi eyed Ikuro from head to toe warily.

"Well, we should get going then, bye Ikuro-san!" Furiko waved as she and Akashi left the shop.

"I have been meaning to ask but...what's in the box?" Akashi questioned when Furiko suddenly thrusted the box in front of his face."It's for you, Juro-kun!Open it when you get back home kay?" Furiko said as she smiled a breathtaking smile at Akashi.


"It still doesn't explain why it does not break..." Akashi mumbled as he gently placed it back into his pocket."But knowing that girl.." Akashi paused before letting out a low chuckle."Kimika, you egghead.."

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