Teacher!England x Reader- Naughty Girl

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This was requested by a friend of mine who doesn't have wattpad. Kinky little shit.
(B/F/N)- Best friend's name

The ringing of your phone pulled you out of your dreams as your eyes slowly opened. Getting up and yawning lightly, you looked over to see your best friend calling you. "What could he/she possibly want?" you mumbled to yourself. Picking up, you held it to your ear. "Hello.." you groaned, trying to keep your eyes open. "Hey, where are you?" (B/F/N) asked. "What do you mean, 'where am I'?" you asked, slightly confused, closing your eyes as you spoke. "I mean, how come you're not in school? Class started 10 minutes ago! And Mr. Kirkland isn't happy at all!" (B/F/N) continued. "Wait.. school?!" your eyes snapped open as your head snapped towards your alarm clock. Fuck. It was 8.10, and you were so late! "Shit, dude, my alarm didn't go off!" you started to panic. "This is your third day in a row being late, ___!" (B/F/N) exclaimed. It was true. You had been coming to school late for the past few days, and for those past few days, you had English lesson first. On the first day, Mr Kirkland had let you off with a warning. The second, he was much more stern, pulling you out of class to speak to you personally. Who knows what would do to you when you arrived late on the third day. "Uh, tell Mr Kirkland that I'm on my way! I'll be there as soon as possible!" you instructed your best friend to do before putting your phone down and getting ready.

Thoughts raced your mind as you walked quickly to school. You really didn't want Mr Kirkland to think of you as a bad student. On the first day, when you walked into that classroom, you saw him and fell deeply in love with him. All of the girls that went to your school had a crush on him. I mean, who wouldn't? This is Arthur Kirkland we're talking about! He was very attractive. Messy blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, a cute smile and that sexy British accent. Even though you were 18 and he was 26, you didn't think of age as a big deal. You just couldn't get him out of your head.

You had just reached your classroom. At 8.50. What was Mr Kirkland going to think of you after this? You gingerly opened the door, and all you heard was silence as 25 pairs of eyes stared at you. You started to walk slowly to your seat. "___," you heard a stern voice call. It had a British accent, so you knew very clearly who it was. "Y-yes, Mr Kirkland..?" you gulped, turning your head. Your eyes met with those of Mr Kirkland's. His arms were crossed, and the angry expression of his face made you even more terrified. He motioned for you to come over with his index finger. Taking slow steps, you walked over, avoiding eye contact with the angry Brit. When you were in front of him, you raised your head to look at him. "You're late... again..." he spoke, adding emphasis on 'again'. "I'm sorry, Mr Kirkland. My alarm didn't go off this morning.. for some reason..." you said quietly. "I'm afraid you will have to come back after school for detention. This behavior is unacceptable, and you have to be punished for it," he said a bit more gently. "Okay, Mr Kirkland.." you sighed and walked to your seat.

After your last lesson, you walked to Mr Kirkland's classroom. You wondered about what punishment he was going to give you. Dirty thoughts flooded your mind, but you shook those off immediately. It was wrong to think of your teacher like that, even if he was hot. Knocking on the door, you heard him say 'come in'. You gulped and opened the door and saw Mr Kirkland, his head turned towards you. Mr Kirkland smiled gently at you, standing up. "Hello, ___. Please have a seat right here," he pointed at the seat... right in front of his chair. Blushing, you headed over and sat down. "Now, I need to talk to you, not about your late arrivals but... about something else," he said. You nodded and he went over to his bag, opening it and digging in it, trying to find something. You tilted your head in confusion. "Bloody hell, where is this thing- ah, got it," he pulled out a piece of crumpled paper. It looked like it was ripped out of an exercise book. Unfolding it, he sat down on the seat in front of you, making direct eye contact. "I found this on your table last Friday after you left. And I must say, you draw some interesting things," he flipped the paper so it was facing you. Your cheeks heated up as your eyes saw what was on the paper. It was the drawing you made of Mr Kirkland!

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