Ep 1: Daddy's little princess

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Digimon Tamers and the characters is owned by Toaianimation
Tiffany, and Skylar are owned by me: (Jail251)
Song belongs to owner

Hello my name is Tiffany Jane. You may have heard about me from a girl named Skylar Ruby. The girl she once told you about. The girl who bullied her and made her life hard on her. You may have heard her story and even Jeremy Heinz's story on how they went to another universe. But surprisingly i have my own story to tell. A story that involves me going to another universe entirely from those two. A universe where I myself become a digidestined. This is my story...

(Third person p.o.v)

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping gracefully as the morning warn on.

However, at Maryland mall it was another story. Inside of a Sears, a young girl was causing a scene at checkout.

"What do you mean my credit card didn't go through!?" A blonde haired girl screamed as she stomped her foot onto the floor. She appeared to be tweleve years old. Her hair was long and flowed down to the crevasse of her back, her eyes were a light silver color, and she was wearing a light pink blouse, tan dress paints, and white shoes.

The man behind the counter flinched at my outcry. He nearly hid behind the cash register. He was wearing a iron press long sleeved black dress shirt and tie, and tan slacks.

Seeing him flinch, only made the girl smirked. Standing behind her was a long line of impatient customers waiting for the man to finish with his current purchase. While others were shaking their heads at the young girl standing in front of her. Whispers were said amongst the crowd.

"Isn't their other cashier's who work here?"

"That girl is very rude"

"Where are those girl's parents. If i were her mother, she would not be able to sit down for a week."

The blonde glowered as she placed her ruby manicured hands on her hips. "Do you know who I am!? My name is Tiffany Jane! And my father is the mayor of this town!"

The man gulped. "But Ma'am your credit card was declined. There isn't anything I can do about it....umm... do you want to put it on hold-"

Tiffany took a step back in complete bewildermen. "On hold?" She asked in a horrified voice. "I Tiffany Jane, never put anything on hold. When I want something! I want it done now! My daddy says if i want something, he'll get it for me. No matter the charge. I'm my daddy's little pricess."

Tiffany slammed her fists onto the counter. Causing the man to jump. The man appeared to be at a lost on what to do. Wondering if he should try calling a manager.

Tiffany narrowed her eyes, giving the man a once over. His black hair was spiky, his brown eyes were shaking from fear and his Navy blue unform was put on neatly. He was probably about in his early twenties. His name tag read "Welcome to Sears, My name is Steve, How can I help you today"

Tiffany's anger turn back to one of amusment. She placed one hand on her cheek as she reached over with the other and laying it down on Steve's shoulder.

"Look Steve, if you allow these three shirts." She held up a pink, yellow, and white shortsleeve blouse in front of his face. " To go on my dad's tab, I will make sure my daddy hears about this. He will be able to give you a big promotion." She lied with a fake warm smile.

Steve bit his lip, a look of hesitation crossing his features. "I-i" Tiffany could tell that he was thinking about it. He finally sighed loudly and started to take off the security tags. "Would you like the hangers?"

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