Ep 16: Memories return

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Digimon Tamers
Digimon and characters are owned by Toeianimation
I only own Tiffany and Pansamon (including his evos)
This is a fan made script


"I can't believe you guys were telling us the truth!" Kazu shouted between Takato and Tiffany. 

Tiffany sweat dropped. "You guys just freaked out when you saw Guilmon. You couldn't just wait to see that he wasn't a monster." 

Kenta crossed his arms over his chest. "Well...it was dark. And we couldn't really see anything." He mumbled. 

Kazu nodded to agree with him. Kazu pointed at the blonde hair girl. "I bet you were terrified when you met your first digimon." 

Tiffany shook her head. "I wasn't really terrified. I met Calumon at the mall..." Tiffany trailed off she didn't tell her friends that she had come from a parallel world. Nor did she wanted to. They would have called her crazy. "I was more interested in trying to show someone that digimon existed...I wasn't really scared of digimon until Tapirmon tried to hurt me." She whispered. 

Jeri's eyes grew wide as she stared at Tapirmon, in Tiffany's arms. "Tapirmon tried to hurt you?" she asked. 

Takato look over at the blonde hair girl. "I don't think you haven't told me that story yet." He frowns. "Now that I think about it, I don't think you ever told me how you met Tapirmon." 

Tiffany frowns as she sat down on the ground. She held Tapirmon closed to her chest. Her friends stared at her waiting to see if she would tell her story. 

WarGrowlmon stood behind them. The ultimate digimon didn't really seem interested in the story. He looked like he was trying to stay awake for the most part. 

"Takato I do believe I told you and Henry how a digimon attacked me. And that is how Blaine and I met. He protected me from Tapirmon." She reminded him.

Takato nodded. "Oh yeah, you seem really depressed that day. You didn't even seem like you wanted to stalk Henry and I- I mean..." Takato trailed off.

Tiffany stared at him angrily, and then sighed. "Yes...I did try to prove digimon existence and tried to make them come off as dangerous. And I feel that's one of the major reasons why Tapirmon came after me. Tapirmon came from the digital world, from the grand council, Tapirmon hasn't really told me everything yet about the grand council. But supposedly they are digimon who end the life's of people who have dark hearts. Tapirmon accused me of allowing my heart to be surrounded in darkness, and that their was no way for me to change. He put me under a deep sleep where I relived moments of my life to show how I first started to allow darkness into my heart. I had hurt one of my best friends...and I don't think she will ever forgive me...but that's besides the point. Blaine saved me from Tapirmon...and Tapirmon was taken away from us in a portal of ice." 

Kazu raised an eyebrow. "A portal of ice?" 

"IceDevimon" Takato exclaimed in surprise. 

Tiffany nodded. "I was on my way after hanging out with everyone when IceDevimon kidnapped me and threw me in a cell. I had met Tapirmon once again, and found out that he was sent to the human world with IceDevimon to find me and bring me to justice. But IceDevimon had other plans. He wanted Rika to be his tamer, he wanted to end me in front of Rika to show his true power to her. His true attentions of making Rika his tamer, was to use her powers against the grand council and take over." 

Jeri frowns. "That's terrible." 

Takato nodded. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that." 

Tiffany smiled softly. "It's okay goggle boy." She teased. "I'm just glad that Tapirmon and I were able to become partners...I don't have to feel like I'm worthless. I'm part of a team." 

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