Chapter 1 (Edited)

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“Hey Pumpkin.” My father said with a small chuckle as he walked over to me. He then stopped sort at a thick rounded tree. “Come here.”

I skipped happily over to my father, stopping at his side where I looked up at him. He looked down at me smiling brightly. What the was he up to?

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” He said and I instantly knew it was gunna be a good one. His surprises were always amazing and they truly were surprises.

“What? What is it?” I squealed jumping up like a five year old would a giant rainbow lolly pop.

My father gave a short but loud whistle. A beautiful grey black husky with piercing blue eyes, ran from the corner of the house. She was a beautiful dog, her fur a silky showing.

“She’s yours, her names Silver.” My father told me, his smile never once fading as he spoke.

“Oh my gosh!” I squealed as she ran over toward me, where I dropped to my knees to pet her amazingly soft fur.

“Now pumpkin that’s not it, she’s only part of your surprise.” He told me then pointed to where Silver had come running from. “Look.”

I looked up just in time to see a girl maybe a year younger than me, walk around the corner. The girl saw me and ran to me, her long brown hair flying behind her. I hugged my best friend, Samantha Grimes. I haven’t seen her in person for about nine years but we Skyped daily. Sam’s lime green eyes stared at me, blinking back tears of happiness.

“I’ve missed you so much!” We giggled together.

We grinned at each other, looking around at the boys. They were gunna be annoyed at what we’re about to scream but at that particular moment we really didn’t care.

“Shopping time!”

Someone chuckled from behind us. We turned to see that it was Dominic who strolled over to us, a cigarette in his hand.

“Only if I say it’s okay.” He said mostly to Sam. “I’m your ride, Sammy.”

Sam frowned sticking her tongue our at him whining. “Please! I’ll love you forever, you evil brother.”

Dominic chuckled.

“Thanks for the complement, Sammy.” He grinned at her. “Okay, fine lets go but you’re paying for my gas. Got it?”

“Deal!” Sam snapped before grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me to an old beat up black Ford pickup truck.

Sam and I slide into the truck ready to go. Dominic got into the truck mumbling something to himself as he turned on his truck then his radio which was playing one of my favorite songs. New Dived by: Linkin Park. Best song ever and I began to sing with it as Salem drove.
We made Dominic stop at a book store called Lenny’s books. Sam and I loved reading. She was suddenly out of the truck and inside the shop leaving me alone with Dominic for a few minutes as we followed her inside. The shop on the inside was beautiful, filled with so many books, but one caught my eyes. It was a leather bound book that had…my necklace as the cover. It was a full circle with six wolf heads facing inward in a small circle surrounding a brownish gem. Now the book also had a picture of the back of the necklace which held the words “Protect this women”. The words were engraved on the back around the circle. It had this antique look to it. I touched my necklace automatically as I walked over to read the book title: Silverbloods.

“Interested in Silverbloods?” Dominic asked from right next to me causing me to jump.

I turned to glare at him, hissing. “Don’t do that to me. I hate getting scared like that.” Then more calmly. “I’m a Silverblood but I’m clueless on what that really means.”

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