Chapter 8

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"Rydel! Come on, we're leaving."

"I already told you, I'm not going!" Why wouldn't Riker leave me alone? I already told him that I didn't want to go ice skating with him and the boys. I didn't tell him why of course, which was because of Ellington. I didn't want to be alone around him, especially not with the boys around. It could get really awkward and I don't feel like doing anything.

Literally, all I want to do is lay in the bed. I hadn't even talked to James and I told him we would hang out!

"Why not?" he said, banging on the door, "I'm not going to leave until you tell me why. All you've been doing is laying in bed ever since we got back from London. Get your lazy ass up!"

I groaned and sat up. I really don't want to get up, but Riker is starting to get on my nerves. I have avoided everyone since we got back, but only because I had a good reason. Riker and everyone else didnt need to know that reason, of course. I unlocked the door and Riker came barging in. 

"Why don't you want to go? All you've done since we got back home is stay in your room!"

"I don't feel like it, okay!" I feel bad for yelling at Riker, but I didn't feel like doing anything. I know Ellington would be there and I he would want to talk.

"What's wrong? Is it because your scared? We're just gonna go ice skating, not bungee-jumping off a mountain! Just bring a friend or something, Ratliff and Rocky are."

"What? Who is Ellington bringing?" I said, suddenly curious as to if Ell was bringing a girl.

"Uh- I don't know. Some girl named Sara, I think."

I felt anger coursing through my veins. Why is he bringing a girl? But more importantly, why do I care? I can't help but feel jealous, so why don't I go with someone too?

"Fine. I'll go, but I'm going to bring my friend James."

Riker's eyes narrowed, his over protective brotherly side taking over. "Who is he? Do I know him?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "He's just a guy I met and no you don't know him. You need to know anything else? Birthday? Social security number?"

"Nah I think that's good, it's just that you're my only little sis and I don't want you to be hurt. Now hurry up so we can go!"

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. Riker seriously is the best big brother a girl could ask for, even if he could get a little overprotective.

I went to my closet and opened the two doors. I missed this place, even with the old tacked up posters with the Jonas Brothers on the front. Call me crazy, but my closet was my safe haven. I'd come here to cry, especially when my past got to me. But I was stronger now and I've managed to think about the past only minimally.

I pulled on a pair of darkwash jeans and long sleeve shirt. Since it's cold, I decided to wear a black vest. Finally, I pulled on my combat boots completing the outfit. Nothing special, but who cares? It's just ice skating.

I grabbed my phone and shot James a text.

Me: Hey, you wanna go ice skating with me and my bros?  Just the local rink.

James: Sure. I'll be there, cutie :)

I blushed, even though I was alone. No guy has ever called me cutie or even showed interest in me at all. Except for me and Ell's kiss, but it doesn't matter now...


When we arrived at the rink I hopped out and looked for James. He was leaning against a car which I assume was his, smiling at me.

Hidden Love (Rydellington (Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff) / R5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now