Chapter 6

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"What the fuck!" Riker said as quietly as he could manage beside me and Ell.

"Dude its not what it looks like-" Ellington said, his voice shaky.

"I don't give a fuck what it is! You were staring at my sister like she was a fucking piece of meat! Even worse its publicized! I can't believe you would do this!"

I can't even think about it. Why is he blaming this on Ellington? I mean its not his fault some annoying person on this plane decided to take a picture of us. "Riker its not his fault! He had nothing to do with someone taking this photo! And I was asleep on his shoulder so of course he's gonna look at me!!!"

He huffed and started shaking his head while looking out the window. "I am so disappointed in you Rydel, I thought you would know better than to let something like this be seen. You to Ellington and you need to keep your grubby hands away from my sister," he said threateningly. Ellington just nodded his head in agreement.

After being silent for a moment Riker groaned and rested his elbows on his knee with his hands covering his face. "What am I gonna do?" he exclaimed loudly. "Especially knowing he'll see..." Riker muttered after apparently thinking I couldn't hear him.

Is he talking about him him? I just don't understand how he could know! Riker suddenly stands up and begins to speak very loudly.

"Alright, which one of you fuckers took this picture? You beter tell me or things are gonna get ugly!" A few people on the plane turn around and give Riker a look of disgust. A blonde head pops up and its my mom. She glares at Riker and toddles over to us.

"Riker! Stop that right now. We'll settle this when were off the plane." Riker nods and runs back to his seat. There's an awkward silence as we all look at each other until Mom speaks up.

"Rydel can I talk to you in the bathroom?" I nod and get up, following her to the bathroom. I'm in trouble..I know it. She's probably gonna lecture me about the stupid picture. We step in the tiny bathroom and lock the door.

"Look, I know mom but I can't help that I fell asleep-" 

"Rydel. I took the picture. Now don't be mad but I had to," she says with a smirk.

"What do you mean you had to? Mom, now the whole world is going to see this and think that I like Ellington. I don't! I can't believe you. This is just going to cause a whole lot of trouble, especially with Ell and the boys. They are going to beat the living hell out of him!," I say infuriated. My own mother would do this to me, or should I even call her that..

"Rydel Mary Lynch, calm down! And I had to because you love Ellington and he loves you. Don't deny it, I know you love him Rydel. The boys won't touch him, Rocky won't allow it. He knows you like Ellington because we already talked to him and Ellington already told Rocky how he feels about you," she said laughing at me as my jaw drops. He told Rocky that he likes me? Wow, and I thought I was the only one who had real feelings. 

"Wow, Mom. But I'm still mad at you for the picture. I don't even like Ellington," I say trying to lie to her, even though I know it's no use. 

"Yes, you love him and he loves you. I know when your lying. Just because something happened a long time ago doesn't mean that you can't be with him. Stop holding a grudge, and talk to him. Now c'mon, lets go back before anyone gets supicious." 

I nod and we both file out of the bathroom. Mom makes it back to her seat but I bump into a figure on the way back that sends me hurling on my butt. I groan as I stand up with the help of the hand offered to me. When I finally stand up, I see Ellington.

"What are you doing?" I say, praying to God that he didn't hear me and my moms conversation. He looks embarassed yet happy so that he must have heard something.

"Nothing, I just was coming to see if you guys were okay and then I got ran over!" he says laughing. I join in and pretty soon I had forgotten about the possible eavesdropping and were both about to choke. 

"Cmon lets go back to our seats, no lets run back to our seats because Im pretty sure Riker is gunning for me and I don't feel like having my ass beat." I laugh and nod but then think of the small room to move.

"We'll never make it, their is no room for two people. You go first and I'll come after." I say but apparently Ellington has a different idea. He crouches down so that he's my level and gestures to his back.

"No way. I'm not going to get a piggy-back ride, I'm not a little kid," I say rolling my eyes playfully. He looks at me and pokes out his bottom lip, and starts to fake cry.

"Sure, sure. You big baby," I say laughing at how cute he looked..even though I would never tell anyone that. I hop on his back and wrap my arms around his neck while resting my chin on his shoulder. I could smell the cologne he used and it made me smile. I felt weird though because this was giving me a strange sense of deja-vu. When did we ever do this? Oh..yeah. My thoughts are interrupted as Ellington starts to speak.

"Hold on tight, baby," and he started to run..


Wow it has been awhile since I updated, and I am soooooooo sorry. I will update sooner, promise. Anyways, awwwwww Rydellington :)))))))))) Anyways, whos been seeing the RYDELLINGTON ON YOUTUBE COME ON HOLY CRAP THEY ARE IN LOVE TOTALLY LOL anyways sorry about the random caps rant bye!

Hidden Love (Rydellington (Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff) / R5 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now