Chapter 10: Questions

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(A/N): Emily is 10 now

Emily's POV

I was on my bed looking through my baby book. I laugh at some of them. Most of them I remember. Like on my 2nd birthday I dove into my cake. Another picture was Daddy giving me a piggy- back-ride. And Uncle Minion playing vampires with me.

Daddy doing this...
Uncle Minion doing that...
Uncle Minion doing this...
Daddy doing that...

But. . .where's Mom? I don't see Mom anywhere in here. I close the book and find Uncle Minion.

"Uncle Minion?"

"Yes?" He replied.

"Did I ever have a mom?" I asked.

He gulps. "Your mom?"

I nod.

"Your dad knows more about her than I do." He answered.

Megamind's POV

I twist another screw on my invention.

"Daddy?" Emily called.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked.

"What was my mom like?" She asked.

I gulp. "Your m-mother?" 

She nods. I never thought she would ask this. I have to think of a lie.

"Well. . .she looked like you. The day you were born, brought me happy tears. But one day, Metro Man kidnapped your mother. I left you with your uncle so I could save her. But by the time I got there, I was too late." I lied.

"So Metro Man killed Mom?" She asked.

I nod sadly. She tightens her fist in anger. I wrap my arms around her.

"Calm down, it's okay." 

"But I'm motherless because of him." She said with no emotion.

"Your mother loved you. She would want me to do my best to take care of you." I told her.

Then she said something coldly with no emotion that surprised me greatly.

"Metro Man's DEAD!"

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