Chapter one: Pilot

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Lisa's point of view...
I was pretty normal. I had a well paying job with dental insurance and all of that crap. I had a really good thing going. Living life to the fullest. Not actually having to worry about anything too serious. And then... yes, then... Then those two idiots just had to come and "save" me.
Honestly, if they had just let me die I would've been better off. No supernatural crap. None. But at last... they didn't.

So, let me get you up to speed... We'll have to go back a few months...

Lisa walks down the stairs of her house not seeming to mind the fact that the lights aren't turned on, the only light coming from the stars and moon.
When she reaches the kitchen she opens the fridge and squints her eyes together, surprised by the rush of light coming from the inside of the fridge.
Lisa takes out the cooled water and drinks right from the bottle. After putting the bottle back, she returns to her bed upstairs.
When she gets into bed there's a unfamiliar sound downstairs.
She sits straight up, looking towards her bedroom door that leads straight to the stairs.

Lisa's point of view...
I shivered, as though, ice had replaced my spine. The cold air brought into the room through the hallway enveloped the entire body. I slowly got out of bed and tip toed towards the stairs being lead to by the hallway. I couldn't see anything, but I knew there had to be something out there; noises just didn't arise on their own. But then, peace and quiet again. Like always the back of my mind just wouldn't forget those eerie noises, Andes I was waking back to my room I looked all around me every five seconds for some kind of beast.

When you're alone and it's night, noises tend to be scary. You hear them, your chest tightens, you become conscious of your own breathing; it's quiet again, but you're still on edge and your ears are pricked, and you then hear it again, closer this time.

And that's exactly what happened.

The sound of a child screaming emerged from the kitchen, at first it was distant, it seemed so far away. But it came steadily closer and all the while becoming more intense, more distressed, until it was undeniably in the room itself. I grabbed my cellphone, it was time to get out, to investigate. Then it changed abruptly. Maniacal laughter came from the hallway. I stood still, unsure if this was reality or a dream, perhaps a nightmare. Then it all stopped again. Silence. Then a new noise, soft but growing louder. At first I wasn't sure what it was, but then it struck me. It was the sharpening of knives.

It felt like death was approaching my room. Aside from the beat of my heart, no muscle would move.

Then she appeared. Only as a shadow with long straight hair. Slowly walking towards me. The cold look reflected on her face gave me shudders. Her hands were tightly closed around the cold surface of the metallic grey coloured knife. She seemed to have no sense of humanity. Her heart seemed to be made of stone, the way she walked into my room. I would never forget the evil glint in her beady eyes. And that smell. Oh god! That smell. Never in my life will I forget that smell. The smell of rotten eggs...

As she came closer she started speaking:

"Fire doesn't care if it burns wood, pig fat or the flesh from your body. Like this knife it has no preference at all. In all this world it is as blind as you will be just an hour from now, when your atoms are just atoms. Every part of your body is no more than a borrowed element forged in a star, and it's time for you to glow hot again – light up the night with the fat under your pampered skin. Burning can be fast or slow, I'm thinking slow, from your toes. In a house fire the smoke puts you out first, it's a kindness I suppose. I'm not kind.-"

I was crying. There was no denying that I was scared. I'd never been so scared in my life.
I knew if I wanted to survive this I had to contact someone and since I had my phone in my hand, I wanted to get myself a little bit of time...

"Who are you? What do you want?" I pressed the emergency call button on my home screen and called David. 

"Love... come on. You know exactly what I want..."

"I don't. I promise." I could barely speak. I was so overwhelmed and crying that I almost couldn't breath.

She walked towards me, until our noses almost touched. Everything went silent. Her eyes were pitch black. I could feel the blood pulse in my neck. She stared straight into my eyes and I couldn't stare back, so I closed them and held my breath. When David answered she looked down at my hand where I had my phone.
I opened my eyes, terrified knowing that she knew.

„Got ya."

That's all she said before lifting her arm and going down to the floor, pushing the sharp blade right through my foot.

That was just to keep me from not running away. What she did to me next is indescribable. 

David probably heard everything. Every single scream for help. 

David Nythm. The boy with the blue eyes, bright smile and dark hair. The guy that I had been stalking for over a year heard me being brutally tortured. The only thing that got me through all of that pain was the promise of his smile, his eyes, his nose, his hands, his lips. He got me through it.

I thought that the police would arrive after a few minutes and it would all be over. But they never did arrive. I didn't even hear a siren. Not one.

I don't know how long it took, but eventually she got bored. There was blood everywhere and I couldn't move. At that point it would've been a mercy if she had killed me. That's probably why she just left me there. Alive, but dead. She just left. Not one word.

Then everything went blank.


Till next time loves💋


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