Chapter 9

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Jessica's P.O.V
I woke up to my phone ringing. I got a text.

Unknown) hey baby can't wait to see you get ready:) xx

I was scared shitless. I had to tell Hayes.

Unknown) don't tell anyone or I will hurt them xx.

I started to freak out again. Who the hell is it.!? I decided to go out for some Starbucks. I don't remember anything from last night. It kinda really sucks. I got dressed into some short shorts and a MAGCON shirt. I threw some DCs on and ran to Starbucks. I got my usual. I was walking through the park. A girl came and asked for my autograph. (I skipped filming The Walking Dead sorry) I asked for her name. "I'm Kelly." She looked about my age she had long brown hair about to the middle of her back. She had bright blue eyes. She was like a model. She was about 5'6. "Well Kelly. We should hang out sometime darlin' " she nodded and I gave her my number. I was walking home. I got a text.

Unknown) hey it's Kelly

Jessica) hey Kelly.

Kelly) hey. We should hang out next weekend. I just moved here. I need some friends lol. And you seem pretty awesome.

Kelly was a very lovable person. She was funny and was Tom boyish. She was pretty cool from what I know.

Jessica) sure thing darlin. I would love to. And I will be your friend lol.

I took a shower and got into some pjs. I didn't want to do anything else today. Nothing!! So I just sat around watching Netflix until Sam came into the room. "Hey babe. I'm really sorry. I swear she kissed me. I know if I messed up one more time I would get killed." I remembered he kissed a girl last night. Then I kissed Hayes. The question is. We're me and Hayes a thing now. I didn't know. I just looked at my phone. I wasn't even doing anything but looking at my pictures with Sam I took the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I felt Sam grab my hand. "Please forgive me. " I was too nice to say no. "Sure" he smiled and hugged me. Except he touched my cuts. I winced in pain. "Ouch fuck!!" He looked at me worried. Then looked at my arm. "Why..?" is all he could say. I started to cry. " It's because of everything YOU put me through. It's because I didn't save my sister from killing herself. It should have been ME who died not her!!" I just explained a really sensitive subject to Sam. I started to cry again. I just didn't want to be with anyone. I wanted to be with my sister in heaven. Because that's where that sweet angel went. I got another text.

Unknown) of course it was your fault that Ashley killed herself you were never there for her. She hated you.

I started to bawl again. Everything is my fault. I knew Sam felt bad for me. That's why he is dating me. I could care less though. "I don't need you feeling bad for me. I get that enough from Becky." Referring to my mom. I was adopted by Becky after my parents died in a car accident. He looked at me confused. "W-what.?" I wiped all my tears away. "Stop feeling sorry for me. That's the only reason anyone is 'here' for me. I know this stuff Samuel. I'm not stupid." He started to speak to me. "I am sorry for you but that's not why I'm with you I'm with you because I love you. Because I care." I laughed. "Yeah right. That's what they always say before they leave me." I could see I hurt him. S-Sam. I didn't mean any of-" I was cut off by his lips softly touching mine. I put my arms around his neck. We laid on my bed. It was a very nice kiss if I do say so myself. But I don't know if I was ready to forgive him yet. I stopped kissing him. "I-I don't know Sam I-" he started to bite his lip. Oh god that is my weakness. I started to kiss him again. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it." "It's Kelly and Callie" OMG Callie I rant to the door and slammed it open. I hugged them. Both very excited. They came in and Sam looked kinda upset. We decided to watch a scary movie. I cuddled with Kelly and Callie. Sam sat on the floor. Trying to be mad at me. I laughed at him. Kelly an Callie spent the night at my house and Sam went home. We watched movies then went sleep.


Thank you Kelly I don't remember your name on here buttt hey girl. Never mind I know it now! Shout out to my girl whosaidiwasnormal. Give that girl a follow!!

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