Chapter 18

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Jessica's P,O.V

I woke up in a hotel room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to see a shirtless Hayes.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had make up under my eyes. I washed my face.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Hayes up and on his phone.

"Hey beautiful."
"You okay?"
I just nodded. I actually don't remember last night except for the fact that I said I wanted to go home. Back in England home.

"Jessica Lynn. I know you better then that!! What's wrong?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to be back with Sam. I don't even know who I like!! I jus-" I was cut off by Hayes' lips.

Hayes laughed.
I didn't think twice before connecting our lips again.

Hayes' tongue swiped against my bottom lip. I gladly accepted. Are tongues battled for dominance.

Didn't want things to get heated so I stopped. I looked to over to see my shoes. I grabbed them and left. I couldn't do this. Not with my best friend. I mean I love him. But I'm not sure if I love him like that.

I called a taxi and told them my address. They took me home. I gave them the money and ran inside my house.

I saw Becky, Jillian and Haley all sitting on the couch. I ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed some Adidas sweatpants and a random v-neck. I jumped in the shower letting the warm water hit my skin.

I got out of the shower and put my clothes on. I put my wet hair into a messy bun and called it good. I put my favorite green and pink socks on and ran to the kitchen. I made some toast. I ate my "breakfast". I went to the living room to watch tv. And guess who was there.

If you guessed Hayes. You're wrong. It was Sam. I was about to run to my room but instead decided to talk to him.

"Hi Sam.."
"Hi. I wanted to know if we could start new. "
"I don't know. Maybe I should think about it."
"Okay. Ill let you think about it. "

Sam left. I decided to get chips and watch my all time favorite movie!! Free Willy!! I cry every time. I was watching the movie in tears. Once the movie was over I was bawling.

There was a knock on the door. I pulled myself together an seems to the door. Chandler was there.

"Hey chan chan!"
"Hey. I have to ask you something."


I will update if I get

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Instagram: @jessica_robbins00
Twitter: @jessialovesTWD

We accept the love we think we deserve (Sam Daniel and Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now