who had i become

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we walked to a junk yard and sebastian kept walking to a a car and told me to get in so i did and when i did i was in the same junk yard but it didn't look the same i knew i was in 2032 it looked normal just apart from the fact that this junk yard was very big. we started to walk down the street and we were in the bad part of town we had to walk a little ways.

5 hours later

after getting changed out of my robes i walked into the big building in a suit i walked to the elevator and rode it to the top. i walked out and walked down to the end of the hall way and was stopped by two security guards. one put his hand on me and told me to turn around and ride it back down i started walking away took of my suit jacket and rolled up my sleeves up to my elbow and said to them '' you don't know who i am do you'' they said to keep walking i walked up to them and they pulled out sticks one  went to swing and i hit him and and he stumbled back and hit the ground. the other dude went to hit me i jumped and did a butterfly kick making him fall to his butt. i walked through the door to see only the back of a women with long brunette hair. she turned around and it was tayah. my mouth just dropped when i saw her she was in a all black robe.

''your dead'' she said 

''well im here am i?'' liam said.

she got up and walked over to him and she hugged him. he pushed her off.

''you are not the women i am in love with from 2017'' liam said

i talked to her about me from the future and told her that i had signed my company over to there father so the company belonged to them. she told me that i needed to listen to her and just as she started to talk a man in janitor clothes walked in.

''tayah i need you to listen to me"the man said

''john leave im talking to mr janer" she said

''no, your talking to liam thames carter,'' said the man '' who happens to be me.'' he lifted his shirt to revel a bullet wound right below the heart. my mouth just dropped i couldn't believe it i was alive he explained what happened and how him and the twins father faked their deaths to see how it would fall out if they died.

all of a sudden there was a explosion down below on the first floor old me went over to the book shelf and moved the books around and a shelf opened and he tossed a blade to me just then another man walked in and removed a fake beard to and old me tossed him a blade tayah just stood there dumb founded.

I slid the blade onto my hand and and flicked my wrist down and the blade came out. out of the front popped out a sword i grabbed it and took my vest off to me just being in my dress shirt and gray dress pants i walked toward the door and opened it just then there was another explosion and my sword went flying. i kept running to the stairs. i jumped down five flights then another till i was at the bottom i ran out and saw that there was a group of templars and they looked at me they were wearing mask they pointed right at me. 

21: Heros of the civil warWhere stories live. Discover now