Chapter 1

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I really hope you guys enjoy the first chapter! - t

Being the new girl sucks.

As I stand in the crowded atrium of my new school, I can already feel everyones eyes fixed on me.

I stared down at my timetable I was given, whilst secretly praying that no one could see my burning cheeks from being in the centre of attention.

My first class was on the ground floor "G3, maths".

Just as I was about to pull out my phone to text Liam, my boyfriend back in Scotland, the bell decided to ring.

The crowd of students started scattering all over the place, getting to their classes.

I still stood where I was, puzzled on where to go next. I decided to go with my instincts and follow the people that looked around my age, maybe they had maths too?

I caught a glimpse of a reflection of myself in one of the doors leading to yet another narrower hallway. My brown waves still appeared to have stayed in place, aswell as my subtle highlight on my cheeks and my pink plumped glossy lips.
I did get up two whole hours early to work on my appearance after all.

In the corridor I could see wallboards stating "Maths Achievements" and "Maths Extra Study Classes". I silently sighed in relief. Before I knew it I was standing in front of the classroom door that stated "G3".

The door was wedged open, the students around me had already managed to get in to their classes already, leaving just me.

I peared into the room seeing people seated, but talking loudly to one and other. Others had headphones in whilst looking through the notes they had in front of them. I glanced over at what I imagined would be the teachers desk, in front of a huge smart screen and whiteboard, only to find no one was sitting there.

I took a few more steps forward so that I was fully in the classroom. I glanced around the room taking in my surroundings. It was rows of 2 people on each desk and it looked like you could take a seat next to whoever you want.

There was an empty seat next to a girl who seemed completely uninterested at the back of the room.

I confidently decided to walk over there, throw my shouldered black leathered bag on the table, whilst moving in to sit down next to her.

She looked at me and to my surprise, took out her earphones with one of her eyebrows raised, sweeping her smooth dark hair to the side revealing her backless white laced dress. "Oh yeah, you can sit here that's absolutely fine" she said sarcastically whilst rolling her eyes.

"Uhhhh sorry I just didn't want to look as lonely as I already am." I said trying to force out an awkward laugh. She then broke out in a huge smile. "Bitch I was kidding, I'm Jess, or once you get to know me you'll probably be calling me the 'crazy one' or the 'psycho bitch' just like everyone else does."

I could tell by just looking at her that she was the kind of girl that no one would want to mess with, but deep down she cares about people that are close to her.

"Oh, well I'm Emily. Or you can call me the new girl since that's what everyone else is probably calling me." I said sighing.

"Oh fuck them, I'll call you Em." She said whispering since the teacher had just walked in and took his seat on his desk then pulling out a newspaper in front of him.

Moments later, a group of five boys had walked into the room. 10 minutes late but it didn't seem like they cared.

My eyes drawed instantly to one of them.

Tall. Dark blonde soft curls that sat just perfectly on the top of his head. His dark slightly raised eyebrows and his irresistible smirk that was stuck on his lips. All of the boys were hot. But my eyes couldn't seem to get distracted from the boy I've been gazing at for the last few seconds.

I quickly snapped back in to reality, jesus Emily you have a fucking boyfriend.

Images of Liam came flooding back into my mind, his dark hair that I swept off his face 24/7 because he refused to get a haircut, his sense of humour, and well, his all round amazingness.

But here I am. In England.

As I looked up from my desk, the group of boys had their eyes locked on me whilst nudging and whispering each other sneakily as they were heading to the pack of the room.

I rolled my eyes in response, before turning to face the class with a uninterested Jess sat beside me.

Textbook work on equations and algebra. Greatttt....

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