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[Pic of Teeyannah]

Teeyannah's (Pronounced Tiana) POV

Today was the day. It was high school prom! Oh my gosh! I was so excited. I didn't have a prom date, but the prom was tonight so between now and tonight, who knows how many boys would ask me to be their date? I couldn't stop trying on my prom dress and my sequin heels. This was my first real prom. I had three in middle school but we were never allowed to have prom dates. Anyway, I got ready and dressed for school. I put on my clothes.

I left my hair like it was [look at the picture above again]. I did my makeup. I applied some mascara and a hint of gloss. [lip gloss]. I packed my backpack and put my iPhone 6s in my purse and laid out my prom attire on my bed. I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. My big brother Ross was in the living room looking at the news.

Ross: Mornin' little sis

Teeyannah: Morning Ross.

Ross: I cooked you some buttered toast and sausage. And cool shirt.

Teeyannah: Thanks. I'm not gonna drive to school, so I'm just gonna eat on the go.

Ross: Oh. Who's picking you up?

Teeyannah: Dae'Jahneene.

Ross: Oh. Where is she?

Teeyannah: She's on her way. That's why I don't have time to sit and eat.

Ross: Oh. Today's a big day isn't it?

Teeyannah: Yea. Tonight is prom.

Ross: Oh. You don't have a prom date?

Teeyannah: No. But that could all change, cuz prom isn't until later tonight.

Ross: Oh. *car horn beeps* I think I just heard Dae'Jahneene .

Teeyannah: Oh. She might come in.

Ross: Oh gosh.

Dae'Jahneene: *walks in door* Good morning. Teeyannah.

Teeyannah: Good morning *hugs her best friend*

Dae'Jahneene: *sees Ross, face blushes* M-Morning Ross. How ya doin'?

Ross: Sup Dae'Jahneene? I'm doing good girl. How bout' you?

Dae'Jahneene: I'm doing fine *mutters* But not as fine as you

Teeyannah: D! *smacks her arm*

Dae'Jahneene: Sorry. But y'all got some snacks?

Teeyannah: Yea. There's Takis on the snack stand and Gatorade in the fridge.

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