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Hi! I hope you like this! Please please please comment and like tell me your thoughts and btw im sorry for grammar mistakes and that shit hehehehe ENJOY

A few weeks have passed since Christine left with Raoul and the Phantom of the Opera was getting more and more depressed with every day.

Every now and then he visited the town, hiding in the shadows, listening to news about his opera. He heard many weird and surreal stories about his death, rumours about him being a girl, people talking about how he never actually existed and everyone from the opera were mad.

Long story short, he tried avoiding rumours about him. He focused more on the stories about his Christine and Raoul.

He soon learned that they left for England. That they moved away to start a new life. He heard that Christine's singing career had ended shortly after their arrival to England and after that the rumours slowly stopped. Nobody talked about the catastrophe of the Opera Populaire anymore, there were new subjects to talk about. People forgot all about the Phantom. All but a few.

After the fire, the Opera was being renewed. Shortly after it was, Madame Giry and her daughter came back. They had looked for the Phantom for ages, until he showed to them. They started taking care of him - bringing him food, money (he did no longer receive his salary due to people believing he was dead) and sometimes on those lonely nights even company.

But once he heard about Raoul and Christine's new life, he stopped going out. Not even in the night.

He barely got out of his lair, and in those times Meg came in, performing ballet for him, even though he clearly stated that he wanted to be alone many times. And weeks passed, and months passed and he finally decided to step out again.

The sky was black that night and only a few people were out. He pulled on his hood and started slowly moving in the shadows of the buildings, trying to catch anything about Christine. If anyone would say so, he would deny it instantly, but deep down inside, he knew the real reason of going out was always Christine. Quietly hoping that she'd visit her old home and stumble upon him in this dark night. Imagining how it would be like to hear her sing once again.

He was walking through the streets, ready to go home, when he heard something that was music to his ears.

"Christine Daae?! To Paris?!?!" a young obviously drunk woman with lots of cleavage - far too much - screamed at her a bit less drunk friend, and the Phantom quickly hid in the corner.

"Shush!" her friend said, laughing hysterically. "I was surprised to hear it too, but my source tells me it's a secret so don't tell anyone."

"Okay, okay," agreed the drunk girl. She looked very excited and happy at the thought of Christine returning to France. So was the Phantom.

He started thinking of all the reasons she could come back; either she left Raoul and realized where her heart belongs, maybe she is going to perform again and he can finally hear her sing.

"When is she coming?" asked the hysterical girl again.

"That I do not know, I only know the wedding is on Saturday," said the other girl, sat down, grabbed a glass of alcohol and gulped it down.

That's where his world collapsed. How stupid was he to even think about Christine coming back for him.

He started moving back to the Opera, hearing the distant voices of the drunk girls discussing how romantic the wedding in the Opera will be, his heart slowly melting with every step he took towards the Opera, where it all began.

All the way home he couldn't stop imagining Christine in the wedding dress he forced her into the last night he saw her, walking towards Raoul with a bouquet in her hands and a warm smile on her face. He couldn't stop thinking of the way they'll say their I do's and the kiss that'll follow. With every breathing moment he thought about it more and more and with every thought his heart ached more and more.

When he arrived to his lair, he saw fruit on the table and a note. He grabbed the note and threw it on one of the candles without even opening it, letting it burn. He grabbed the table and pushed it so all the food on it fell into the lake and groaned in despair.

He started throwing around everything he could, screaming screams of pain and rage, yet nothing helped. Nothing could make him erase the image of the happy couple and he simply couldn't take it anymore. With every moment it pained more and there was only one way to end this pain.

He stumbled to one of the candles grabbed it and started slowly pushing it closer to his face, ready to burn to death, when he thought of his Christine. Funny how in one moment thinking of her made him want to kill himself, then in the next one, it saved him.

He knew now, she could never belong to him, but at least he got to see her once again, even if she was walking towards her soon-to-be husband.

He stood up and walked to his organ, then started to play. He started composing a new song. He poured his rage, his pain, his love and everything else he felt into it and he played and he played and he played. He played for two days, not eating, not sleeping, not doing anything but playing.

Then suddenly he heard a soft voice singing a familiar melody. His music stopped and he slowly turned around to see his Angel of Music.

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