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That night seemed so endless.

Christine fell asleep with Erik by her side, completely ready to swear her love for him in the morning. Completely ready to leave Raoul and everyone else without a tiny bit of regret.

She loved him unconditionally. It was always him. It was never Raoul. She never truly loved Raoul. Except for maybe as a child, but even then it was doubtful. She only said yes to him because she thought she loved him. He reminded her of her father. The way she loved him reminded her of the way she loved her father. She didn't know how she was supposed to feel, until that night.

She fell asleep in Erik's arms, looking forward to waking up in them.


He woke up first. The vivid memories of last night playing in his head like a song. The beautiful creature, whose hands were wrapped around him tightly was shivering in her sleep, for they were in a dark dungeon, covered only with a blanket.

He got up and went to seek a warmer one. Once he found it, he gently placed it on Christine, turning her into a more comfortable position. He sat down, looking at her beautiful face, when he noticed something strange in her hand.

A white porcelain mask.

He stumbled upon the wall, shocked. How could he let it come this far? He raised his arm up and felt the bare deformed skin on his face. He felt the love evaporating from his heart, replaced by shame. How could he let her see him like this?

In mere moments he was so ashamed of what he did. He took away all of her that was left pure and untouched. He couldn't bear to look at her. He couldn't bear her to look at him. He quickly collected all his music and those few pieces of clothes he had and put them in to a suitcase. He looked at Christine one last time, pressed a soft kiss to her lips and whispered, "Christine, I love you..."


She woke up hours later, warmer than she remembered it was when they went to sleep. She felt the mask in her hands and the memories of yesterday flooded her mind. She looked around with a wide smile, only to see that Erik wasn't there.

"Erik?" she asked. No response came back. She stood up and got dressed into her night gown. She called his name again, only to hear silence. She started walking around searching for him, looking in every room, yet she couldn't find him anywhere.

Maybe she went to look for food, she thought. She still kept searching though her instinct drew her to his closet. She opened it. It was empty. She didn't know exactly how many different clothes she'd find inside of it, but she knew for certain that it shouldn't be empty.

She ran into the room, where she found him. The room, usually flooded with papers and music, was now empty and dark. She collapsed on the floor, finally understanding the hints. Tears started steeming down her face and she started sobbing loudly, clutching the mask, for it was the only thing left from him.

Hello. Yes, I do realize that my plot says its "basically lnd" but that part is coming in the next chapter sorry for lying🌚

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