Insufferable Torture (Peter)

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"Ahhhh!" I screamed, my leg the source of agony. My body rippled with pain, too much pain. So much pain to where my mind could barely comprehend what was happening. Tears streamed down my cheeks burning every inch of my face. I tried to jerk, to try to run away from the torturous pain, but restraints held me back. Metal cuffs secured my arms and legs to the table, so tight I could barely move. My wrists raw from the pressure the metal applied as I squirmed to get away from the pain. My leg, where the gash sat, was burned like it was set afire as small micro-bots slithered in and out of the cut. Their small mechanical bodies curing the infectious skin, but with the cause of terrible torment. I tried to look at my leg, but the sight was too gruesome and made me gag. My skin ignited with discomfort, as sweat covered my body as I resisted to scream, but every once in awhile a yelp would escape me and my two captors would laugh. I tried to hide the pain so they wouldn't be amused, but it was impossible. The pain scratched every square inch of my limbs. Knives stabbing from the inside of my stomach trying to escape.

My laceration continuously spurting blood and it was hard to believe if bots were actually doing good. My eyes burned, for they could not produce another tear. My lips chapped with the ever lingering taste of salt from the tears that usually came so easily. My eyes clouded over and I decided to close them, which made it hurt worse. I grinded my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the pain would stop, and it never did.  

    All while I was going through this immense hell, they continued to laugh at me. I was constantly torn from shooting glares their way or screaming out in excruciating pain. One of them, Luke I think was his name, grabbed my cheeks, and squished them together.

"This is what we do to you filthy criminals!" He laughed, "Except most of the time we kill 'em!" James cried out in laughter as he saw the terror on my face.

"Oh no... we're not gonna kill you. Boss wants yall alive and well so he can do his bidden. And let me tell you, by the time he's done with you and the girl you'll be begging for death!" Luke continued as James backed him up with genuine laughter. Their spit erupted from their mouth and into my dry eyes. I gritted my teeth at how disgusting, and painful that act was. I involuntarily let out a whimper.

   Luke  then squeezed the aching wound on my leg in a satisfying way. Everything Luke did to me was extremely painful and I let out a loud screech. Scarlet red liquid oozed out of it inI could feel as my nerves tightened up. I could feel my bone being exposed to the open, polluted air, and screamed. An awful gut wrenching scream of pain. Nothing had ever hurt more in my entire life. I continued to scream, as the one called Luke clutched my wounded leg, not caring anymore if they laughed or not. The screaming seemed to take my mind of the pain, and that was better than anything.

Luke suddenly released my leg and I gasped as more blood gushed out of the wound, splattering the small, shimmering robots in red. Yet, they continued their duties. Swarming in and out of my wound in huge masses, dropping pieces of tissue onto a small metal platter to the right of me. Luke then turned away from me and began to walk towards James, but stopped. He then slung his body around back towards me and smacked me across the face. Instantly, a stinging sensation covered my face and groaned and tried to turn away before he delivered another blow. But as I tried to avoid his hand it only gave him room to hit the other side of my face. My cheeks stung as he continued to hit me. Again, and again, again, until he was satisfied. I felt my face begin to swell as well as the taste of blood from my newly busted lip.

Now it was James turn and he began to trot over to me. A wicked smile creeping upwards as I watched him helplessly.

" Please...." I mumbled, my throat burning in an effort to talk. He didn't respond as he shuffled over to a table crowded with multiple tools. I strained my neck to see what he was doing all the while to continue to gasp as medicine was injected into my wound painfully. When James finally faced me I could clearly see what he held in his right hand. It was a knife, about the size of my hand. Terror spread across my face as he advanced the knife held menacingly in his hand. His smile remained.

"No....please!" I croaked as I begged him. Once again he didn't respond. Surprisingly though, he reached down with his left hand instead of his right and I realized that he held a pair of rustic scissors. Leaning down he antagonizing cut open my shirt revealing my chest along with all its scars. Quietly sitting the scissors down on table once again he bent down to where I lay and ripped open the remainder of my shirt carelessly. Now it was the knife's turn.

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