The Gift (Present Time)

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For this book im going to have a Sungha Jung song for each chaper hope you guys like the songs and the book!

Emma sat in her room at her aunt's house as she petted Amber and thought about how right she was that night. Ten days later her mom died of some weird named disease and Emma had to move in with her aunt while John got to go the collage, she was only allowed to bring two things with her and she brought Amber and her guitar. Of course she brought her phone, headphones and charger but if her aunt noticed her listening to music she didn't say anything. "I love you Amber" Emma whispered for she didn't want to wake her aunt, "I wish we could stay like this forever." Amber huddled closer to Emma and purred. "But those are just wishes" she sighed. "Let's go to bed, I have school tomorrow"

-----------Later That Night-----------

Aunt Jessica looked into her neice's room and saw her sound asleep with Amber on the pillow beside her staring out the window. She carefully set a gift wrapped box on her bedside table and slowly shut the door, "mission accomplished she thought as she crept down the hall back to her room. "I just hope the people at St. Clair Acadamy won't hate her for what I did when I went there"

-----------In The Morning-----------

"What's this?" Emma wondered aloud when she saw the present. She opened it and gasped, it was the new phone! "OMG!" Cried Emma as she jumped up and down and looked at the clock. "7:30! I've got to go!" Emma grabbed her backpack and ran out the door. "Bye Aunt Jessica!" she yelled as she sprinted for the bus stop. "I have to get up earlier" Emma thought as she got on the bus and sat in the front by herself, the bus was loud but she put her headphones in and tuned out. She watched the scenery go by and thought about what her teacher will be like and if she'll make friends. That kind if thing. When the bus arrived she got up and walked out from the bus and into the wildness of the first day of school.

-----------In First Period-----------

"Hello class and for the ones who don't know yet my name is Ms. Smith. I am your new homeroom teacher" Ms. Smith announced to the class as everyone got settled. "I teach SS and Science. These aren't your permanent seats, tomorrow I will have a seating plan for the class. In about 15 minutes we will have a tour of the school so you guys can just socialize or something while your waiting." Most of the class took out their phone and started to play a game or something but, those people who knew someone started to talk. Emma, who obviously doesn't know anybody, took out her new phone and started to play a game.

"Is that the new iPhone?" Asked the person next the her.


"Cool! I have one too!" said the stanger as she took out hers and offered a hand. "The name's Adirah"

"Cool mine's Emma!" Emma replied as she sook her hand and started to talk with her new friend.

-----------15 Minutes Later-----------

"Ok class it's time to have our tour!" Emma closed her new game Flappy Bird that Adirah introduced to her. She was already better and had gotten 32 but Adirah could only get 24. Haden just had a knack for games like these.

"Hey Emma let's go" Adirah said as she got up.

"Yeah I'm coming" replied Emma as she put her phone in her pocket and followed Adirah out the door.

-----------After Classes-----------

"Adirah your on my bus?" Asked Emma as she saw her and Adirah heading for the same bus.

"It would seem so"

"That's cool" Emma said. "Let's sit in the front we can have like two seats for our stuff and then still have more room"

"Why not" Adirah replied as she put her stuff down if the seat in front of her.

"Do you know what we're doing tomorrow" Emma asked as she did the same.

"We're probably just learning each other's names and stuff like that" answered Adirah as she put in her head phones.

-----------When Emma Got Home-----------

"Aunt Jessica I'm home!" Called Emma as she walked in the door.

"How was you day?" Aunt Jessica asked.

"It was great we had a tour of the school and we got to meet all of our teachers"

"Do you know all the names of the people in your class yet?"

"Not yet but I do have some homework I'll do then I can come back down and tell you some more." Emma called after her as she ran up the stairs.

"At least they don't know her name yet" thought Aunt Jessica

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