The Accident

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Srry no Sungha Jung song in the multimedia but you have to listen to this song it just fits the chapter so well I had to add it. Anyways on to the chapter :D


"Hey Emma want to come over on the weekend?" Adirah asked as they walked to their next class. Her punishment was that people only talked with her if they had to. They just acted as if she didn't exist. Adirah was the only person she pretty much ever talked so naturally they bacame best friends.

"I'll ask my aunt but I don't think she will have any objection. What day?" Hayden asked

"Saturday or Sunday it doesn't really matter" Adirah replied

"Shur, I'll bring my guitar"

"You play guitar?! I do too!"

"Awesome we can play together!"

"Ok see you tomorrow"

-----------On Saturday-----------

(D chord) "That was awesome!" Emma exclaimed as she put her guitar back into her case. Her guitar and Adirah's looked exactally the same and they could have switched guitars and no one could have noticed. "But I have to go now"

"Ok I'll come with you we can walk through the park on the way back.

"Why not?" Emma agreed as she picked up her guitar. The park was across the road and when they were crossing Emma's guitar slipped from her hand. The case bust open and all her picks and sheets went flying. Adirah immediately bent down and started to pick stuff up and Emma also did but in their hurry they didn't hear the driver coming. The driver just happened to be drunk and was speeding down the road. "Adirah!" Cried Emma as she jumped out of way of the car. Depite her bleeding knees she ran to the body on the ground and felt for a heartbeat, anything to show that her only friend was alive. "Please Adirah" she whispered. Then she heard it, a faint beat as she put her head to Adirah's cheast. "It'll be ok" she whispered over and over as she dialed 911. "You can't leave me now"

-----------A Few Days Later-----------

"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend

Somewhere along in the bitterness

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I known how to save a life"

That was how Emma felt as she sat her in her room and listens to How To Save A Life by The Fray. That day Adirah had gone to the hospital but the injury was horrible and Emma had left once the doctor told her that she wasn't going to make it.

"Aunt Jessica do I have to go to school today?" Emma asked as she came down the stairs

"Yes. I know you don't want to but you have to get a education." replied Aunt Jessica as she handed Emma her bag.

"Fine but do I have to try?"

"No. I know what all the teachers are like so you don't have to try but you do have to learn. And also you should fine another person who is willing to talk to you. Now that Adirah isn't here try to find someone else. Ok?"

"Ok, I will" The whole day passed in a blur as she desperately tried to make a friend but no one at all talked to her. They just acted as if she didn't exist. Which they were supposed to do but there must be at least one rule breaker. After a tiring day of asking around but with no results Emma sulked home and shut herself in her room until dinner. The only noise that could be heard was small quiet sobs.

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