The Plan

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  As I walked through the park I realized something. Why do I keep looking here? There wouldnt be evidence, the kidnappers can't be that stupid. Why would they leave evidence in the place they'd know everyone would look? I walk around the neighborhood and start putting up papers up Meagans face.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Whos there?"

No answer. I walk faster, and suddeny see something. Something strange, like a crowd of people.

I start walking faster towards the crowd. Suddenly, they dissapear. I'm in front of a warehouse, I walk in.

"Help me, help meee !" A voice says.

"Meagan!?!? Is that you?!" I run towards a door and push it open.

"Ha ha ha. You thought you find your precious sister? You thought wrong. Stupid stupid little girl. Why waste your time? You'll never find her. And by you searching, that helps me be able to keep an eye on you. Since your next." A man says, he seems familiar.

"Where is she? Tell me now!"

"Shut up before I shoot you." He takes out a gun.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"It was you making that noise!"

"Didnt I say shut up!" He puts the gun to my head. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I cant die now!

"Now, I'll let you go. But you have to come with me and my group, to England. And maybe, just maybe, you'll see Meagan again. But i fudging( he didnt really say fudging) swear if you try and escape,boom,your dead. Got it?" He tells me. I'll find a way to escape, I will.

"Got it."

"Alright, I know no ones in your house right now. So lets go get your fudging stuff." He tells me and starts dragging me out the warehouse, all the way to my house.

"Bring everything you need, just hurry up. Plane leaves in an hour. And give me your cell."

"No. I need it." I tell him.

"I dont give a fudge what you need, hand me your cell. What you gonna go? Call your mommy and say oh mommy im getting taken to England! Hand it over." I hand him my cell.

I gather everything I need, including everything i have that reminds me of Meagan. Just incase.

On the way to the airport, I think over my plan.

Plan: I'll obviously go to England with them. I'll try whatever I can to listen to their plan on what they want to do with Meagan. And me too I guess. I'll gather all my clues and go to find Meagan. When this guy wasnt looking, I took over 1,000 dollars from my moms emergency money. I feel bad but, this has to be an emergency, right? Once I find Alyssa, we'll come back home. And tell the cops. Now this is just plan A. Don't think I forgot plan B and C.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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