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   Harry's P.O.V

  I was pressing the accelerator down to the floor. My mind was blurred in nothing but her. She can't die. She can't leave me alone in this world. I'll be alone. I'll be so alone.

   She was in the back. I know this is the wrong thing to do, and I know I should've called 911 right away, but then she would be free, and I would be spending my life behind bars.

  Instead I'm going to my buddies house just down town. I think with a little pursading, I know he can have Anna back to herself again. I just hope she isn't dead back there, I don't check her as I go through town, like a lightening bolt.

  Parking really close to his house, I jumped out of the car, and into the backseat, I grabbed Anna. Wedding style all the way to main entrance. I just hope he can do this for me, or there would be some severe consequences.

  I didn't even need to get close to ringing the doorbell, before I got "what the hell is going on here, Harry?" I ran past him and into his home. I already know where his operation room is, so I set for the basement. Laying Anna down carefully into the operating bed.

  "Please be alive." I say as I stroke her hair.

  "The fuck Harry!" He yells, trotting down the stairs. He gets to me, but before he could yell at me more, his breath hitched, once he saw Anna's body on the bed.

   "What...Harry?" He begans to examine Anna. His eybrows furrowed as he began to lift certain parts of her body.

  "Before I began, I need to know name, age, and how the hell she got into this mess." He looks up at me.

   "Uh...her name is Anna, and she's 21," I scratch my head and sigh. "She got hit by a car."

   "By you?" He gasps.

   I feel my body burning up. "What no! I was proposing, I was just...she's my girlfriend, can you just help... help me?"

   He scratches his chin trying to figure out what I'm not telling him. He needs to stay clueless. I can't have anything else in my way of making Anna completely mine.

  "Fine. I need to take x-rays. She's breathing, but lightly so I need a oxygen mask. I think she might've broken some bones, I can tell from brusies. Whatever sleep she's in, she doesn't feel a thing. This is some painful shit she got into."

   "How long will the process be?" I asked looking at my sweet in sorrow.

  "Just until tomorow. I'm going to put her on medicine, while I get her fixed up, She's going to have to stay on an oxygen tank until I can get her breathing back to normal."

  I nod. I watch as he began to undress her, to put her in a gown. All I could see was bruise after bruise. Her legs and ribcage was the worse.

  "I think you can have one of the rooms upstairs. It's going to take time and I need space to finish, you should have her in one piece, ready to go, by tomorrow."

  I wanted to argue of course and say that I wasn't going anywhere, but he was right. If I wanted Anna to get better, I'll have to let him be and do what he needs to do.

   "Fine, but I'll be here in the morning. She better be all fixed up. I can't stand seeing her like this." I cross my arms.

  "You got it," A machine begans to make a noise, which causes our attention. He walked over and grab the scans. They were the x-ray pictures.

   I walked over to him as he sets the up on the lighted wall. My eyes widen. She was broken alright. Her wrist, arm, leg and left rib were broken. I was mad as hell.

   But as I saw the doctor himself beginning to get the materials for casts, I knew I should keep it to myself. He'll fix her. I know it. I just have to calm myself and just go up to the guest room. I have no idea if I'll go to sleep, but as long as I know Anna will be back in my arms, soon enough.

  "Goodnight, Payne I'll be back in the morning." I told him, going up the stairs.

   "Night, Styles she'll be casts together and be okay to go home with you, see you then."

  I raise my hand as I got close to the door. I wanted sleep tonight. But I have no idea how that'll end for me. I'm so pissed, she was supposed to say yes. If she would've said yes, instead of running out like a freaking crybaby, she wouldn't be in this situation at all.

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have my Anna good to go, so I can try again. She will marry me. She will be my wife, no matter what she says. I want a family and a family is what I'm going to get.

    I close the guest room door and lay down. I thought of Anna, until my eyelids began to droop and I began to fall into dreams.

Anna my love. You'll be mine forever....key...precious...

No... Death wish.



Eh short chap somewhat but whatever.

This book I'll be updating for now on!

When the heart wants what it it wants is finished.



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