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My name is sairan. I have been a part of the 2013 army of canada for 18 years. My parents are high ranking generals while im a comander.  I never wanted to be in the army but it was a given when both parents are. Of course there is a time when we die, especially with my life style.

I dont use a gun like the other people in this day and age, i use a bow and arrow or sword. I know its old school and not really for this day and age but im very good at it.

But then again, its not everyday you get a second chance. Now here i am, floating in space, waiting for death, even if i knew it wasnt coming.

Flash back

I held my chest where the bullet had peirced me. Im the only one left in this field so no one is going to come save me. The bullet is in too deep, i know im not going to make it. The pain slowly settled and grew as the seconds go by.

The red slowly spread through the fabric of my clothing. Why didnt i listen to dad? He said to bring more soldiers but i thaught we would make it. I shouldnt have been so careless, now its my fault 40 people are dead. I underestimated our apponents.

My eyes half lidded as fatigue slowly settled in. If i close my eyes, its all over.
If i close my eyes ill never see kai again. My little brother... I'll never see his golden eyes bright with curiosity as i tell him about princes on white horses. Or about the little people who run through the forest, hunting small game. Or ever play another game of scrabble... kai.

My eyes slowly closed and everything went dark. Is that it? No sudden jolt? No life flashing before my eyes? Everyone says thats how its supposed to go. I guess we wouldnt know because you would die before you can tell anyone else. Authors must just do it to seem realistic.

Then everything went white. Whats happening?

Suddenly a bright red figur came towards me. It became focused and upon closer inspection it looked a little like... a dragon?

The dragon like figure stopped just infront of me and its eyes looked straight into mine. Im just going to go on a limb and say its a he.

His bright red scales shone in the bright light.

Then it started talking, his voice a little like gravel but metalic, yet magestic.

"Little one." How does it speak, he didnt even open his mouth. This is a dream right? I mean, its a dragon? Me having a last minute dream.

"This isnt a dream. This is real," it said again, a little softer. Is it showing simpathy? Or is it trying to mock me?

"Who are you?"

"I am king hiryuu. I want to give you a second chance. Will you eccept?" Whats it saying? Im dying. Whats he going to do? Reverse time? Thats not possible. But if he is saying he could change the fact... that i can see kai again i will take that chance.

"What do you mean?" I ask the dragon. Maybe i can get some details.

"Do you wish to live again?"

"You mean i can see kai again?" I ask hopefully. If he says i can live again... i will see kai.

"No, im afraid i cant send you back to your own period of time. I would send you many, many years back, to the time when dragons still existed outside of fairytales." What does he mean. If i cant see kai... there isn't much of a reason.

"Hush your thaughts. This is not your time to leave, my instincts say so."

"And im supposed to just trust your instincts?" The dragon slanted his head as if saying yes. Why should i believe him? Why should i believe myself? Im talking to a dragon for christs sakes. Who does that? Even if its in death.

"I really dont think its a good idea," i reasoned. You never know, he could lash out. Well, what harm could he do? Im already dead, right? Well, he did say he could bring me back to life. But he is a dragon. DRAGON!!

"Nonesense, you will find many ally's and live a wonderful life. Do you still wish to refuse my offer?" The dragon asked. Damn, who am i to refuse a dragon. I mean, what the heck? This is death, you can do what you want in death.

The dragon tossed something from his claw into my hand. It glowed brightly with swirling colors that never ceased to move. It was kind of hypnotic.
"When you live again you will be something speacial, more powerful that a dragon. I wish you luck."

Then all the bright light faded, the dragon dissapearing with it leaving me in confusion. Did i really just cheat death? Gaining more power?

Flash back end

And so, here i am floating in darkness waiting for something, anything, to happen.

Well, i did just bargain with a dragon. A dragon king no less.

A warrior at heart(on hold) (YonaOfTheDawn)Where stories live. Discover now