Chapter Nineteen

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Hailee's POV:

"I'm very sorry ma'am." I hear through the phone. The world around me seems like a blur. "Guys." I breathe out coming back slowly into reality. "Guys." I say again before the tears begin to fall. "Hailee, what's wrong?" Chloe asks standing from where she was sitting on Blake's lap and rushing over to me. "My mum...Tyler...We need to go...NOW." I franticially try to get the words out. "Where are we going?" Blake asks worried as we walk quickly over to Blake's car. "Hospital." I state simply. It's as if I'm dreaming but I know I'm not.

"I'm going to see my mum first, doctor's said she isn't going to make it." I say weakly. "Do you need us to come with you?" Blake offers. "No, it's okay, I think this is something I should do on my own." I say before I walk into the beige room. "Mama?" I say softly, my voice, barely above a whisper. "Hailee." Her croaky voice says. "What happened?" I ask. I can see her taking in sharp, deep breaths. "It was my fault." She says. "I love you Hailee, I always have, and I always will." Mum says before she takes another sharp breath. The heart moniter flat lines. "Mum?" I ask. "Mum!" I say a littler louder. "Mum!" I yell, pressing the nurse button. "What-We need help in here!" The nurse says jumping into action. "Excuse me, ma'am, I'm afraid I have to ask you to wait outside this room." Another says. Deciding not to put up a fight I walk out of the room and slide down the door. Hot tears flow freely from my eyes burning my wet cheeks. "I'm sorry, we...we couldn't help her." A nurse says as she walks out of my mother's hospital room. "You can go in and say your goodbye's if you would like." She says before disappearing around the corner. I lift myself up from the floor weakly, using the wall for guidence. "Hi mum." I manage. "I know we never saw eye to eye, but I never stopped loving you." The tears fall faster than they ever have before. I kneel on the ground, my hands holding onto one of her relaxed ones. "You need to leave now ma'am." A nurse says, coming into the room. I nod my head weakly, walking towards the door. "Bye mama." I say sadly over my shoulder.

I make my way towards Tyler's room. My eyesight is blurred from the amount of tears pouring from my eyes. My shaky hand reaches for the door handle to his room. After a few failed tries to open the door, I finally manage to swing it open slowly. "She's gone." I say. I can't believe after all of these years, I never told her how much she meant to me, how much I loved her and what I appreciate. It all came rushing to me like a wave. I let out a cry of pure agony. "She's gone." I break down, leaning on the doorframe for support. My legs give way from beneath me, making me collapse on the ground of the hosptial room. I'm drowning in my own tears. "Awww Hailee." Chloe says with tears also in her eyes. I look up through my long, wet lashes. Jane and Toby are there too, which obviously doesn't surprise me. "Who's gone?" Toby asks innocently. "Uh." I say awkwardlky looking to Jane, Blake or Chloe for help. Unfortunately they don't. "My mum." I say as more tears fall from my stinging eyes. "When will she be back?" Toby asks, clearly not understanding. "Never." I say as my sobs get louder. "Toby, how about we go and get some lunch sweety?" Jane suggests. "I'll come too." Chloe chirps. "Uh, yeah, me too." Blake says. "Okay." Toby says energeticially.

"You need to wake up Tyler. I can't lose you too." I say softly, grabbing onto his hand. "I love you so much." I say. "I need you." I say. I'm finding it hard to breathe with the amount of crying I've been doing. I lay my head on the still bed crying myself to sleep.

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