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Tyler's POV:

The music starts and I see my beautiful fiance walking down the isle with her father. She has tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her face. The music dies down and the wedding begins. "We are gathered together here to unite this man Tyler and this woman Hailee in the bonds of matrimony." The minister says. He turns to me before asking. "Do you take Hailee to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I turn towards Hailee before answering with "I do." The minister turns to Hailee. "Do you take Tyler to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Hailee says "I do" Instantly. "By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The minister states. "You may now kiss the bride." He finishes. I wrap my arms carefully around her waist before pulling her closer and crashing my lips onto hers. All of our friends and family cheer from their seats.

"I love you so much." Hailee says quietly to me. "I love you too." I say before I kiss my stunning wife.

Everyone knows I would do anything, Just for Her.

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