Chapter Fourteen

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Summer Break

Hailee's POV:

"Dad, I'm home." I call walking through the door. Man it's hot. "Hello?" I call again. Okay, I am not in the mood to walk around calling for my dad. Instead I walk up the stairs...well kinda, It's more of a crawl actually, upstairs into my air conditioned room. "I'm sorry, but the divorce is final." I hear my dad say through the phone once I walk downstairs that night. "No, I told you, Forgetting to put the rubbish out is a mistake, cheating on your husband behind his back for six months is not a mistake." He says, putting emphasis on the 'not.' "So that mas your mother." My dad states the obvious once he finally hangs up the phone. "Yeah, I gathered that much." I say rolling my eyes. Call me crazy, but I"m still not ready to forgive her just yet. "Honey, I get she hurt you by breaking the family up but she is still your mother." He says. Here's my chance to tell him. "Dad, it's not that. Well, part of it is, but she visited me at school. She ended up slapping me and walking out. I haven't exactly talked to her since. But it's not like she's made an effort to talk to me!" I say quickly, defending myself, already knowing he would've said something along the lines of "She didn't mean it." Like he always does.

My phone rings at three in the morning. Ugh. I look at the caller ID. Chloe. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey!" Chloe says loudly through the phone sounding relieved. "Why are you calling me at this time?" I ask slightly annoyed. Chloe of all people knows I am not a mroning person. "I need you to come and get me." She says, her voice cracking. "Why? What happened?" I ask. I knew I shouldn't have left her at the school. "My parents came and they...they abused me again. Hails, I need you to come and get me." She says. Her voice shakes, and I know she's crying by the muffled sounds of tears coming from the other side of the phone.

"Hailee!" Chloe says running up to me and hugging me tightly. Big, ugly bruises have formed all over her body. "Chloe, you need to go to the police about this." I say. "No! They may abuse me all of the time but I still love them!" She says, defending them like everytime I bring up this conversation. I sigh, thinking of another way to get her out of this mess. "Can we go now?" Chloe says, knocking me out of my thoughts. I nod, helping Chloe with her bag, knowing she is in pain.

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