A Message for Him

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Every time I heard a knock on the door I am so excited that my heart would skip a beat because I know it was you.

I don't like superman nor batman because you are my only hero.

I look at you with so much admiration, I look at you with so much amusement.

Little did you know I am so proud of you. You are the best, the most amazing, the funniest man I have encountered. You pick me up when I fall and blow my wounded knee and you told me "Get up its ok. To fall". I'm good at riding the bicycle because of you, I like to wake up early even if its weekend because it's our time and no one can ruin it. I heard a lot of stories about you when I was a baby. You collected all the toys in a fast-food restaurant; bringing it back home and we will build it together. You will be home just to wash my baby clothes and after which you will be back to work.

I still remember my first good serve in badminton because you taught me how. I still remember that you bought a lot of kites for me to have fun. I remember that every time I am tired from walking you'll carry me on your back. You are my best friend, you are the best, you are the only person whom I wish I could play forever. I am brave enough to face my enemy because you'll be there to rescue me. I am not afraid to make mistakes because I know you'll never get mad at me. I am happy that for more than a billion father in the world God choose you to be mine.

As I grow my needs become bigger I am thankful that you and mama was able to provide everything that I needed. A moment came that you have to work double for us, I understand that.

One night, as I waited for you I fell asleep and when I woke up you were already at work. I told myself that it's okay but as time went by, haru haru ( everyday) I realized that the same thing happens. At first I missed you and it broke my heart to see myself waiting at the middle of the night and praying that you will open the door.

2 weeks without communication and I was so worried even though I did not show it; I was hoping that you are okay, that you are not hurt. The thought of you leaving us is enough for me to stop living. I was mad at you; I loathed you so much because of these rumors that you have replaced us; it pained me so much that I wanted to confront you and slap the girl that you are seeing. One afternoon I saw you outside the door, my feeling of hate toward you melted like an ice in a dessert. Instead of cursing you I hugged you and told you how much I missed you and I feel like a part of my life came back. I was happy that at last my best friend, my father, is back. But after a couple of years and many scenarios like this, I have come to hate you for hurting my mother, I say bad things about you, I don't want to see your face, questioning God 'why? of all fathers in the world, why does it have to be you?' 


to be continue please Comment your opinion and vote at the same time. kamsahammida chingu! 

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