Chapter Six-Part Four

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"Don't scare her, don't touch her, don't talk to her. It's only me you should deal with."

(Yoo Si Jin)

Moments before disappearance

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Moments before disappearance

   Myeong Joo evaded the 'pursuer' finally, and then she steadily drove out of the neighbourhood road towards the main road. Assuming that it was just her tired mind playing tricks, she disregarded the event as part of her imagination. She stopped for a while at the traffic light, and during that wait that seemed to last forever for the lights to turn green, she sighed before resting her forehead on the steering wheel.

   Her heart was still beating erratically from the event. Even though she had told herself repeatedly that she was just imagining things, her mind refused to believe it. While the lady in her tried to cool off, the military senses in her told that the case wasn't so simple. She was struggling to get hold of her conflicted mind that she did not realise that the lights had turned green.

   The honks from the car behind awakened her from her thoughts. Quickly, she got herself moving before she made a line behind her.

   However, she was not alert enough to notice an incoming jeep speeding towards her way, and the moment she started driving off the junction and about to enter the main road, the jeep rammed the side of her vehicle hard, the shock so great that the car skidded.

   And that was all it took to pass her out, as darkness entered her eyes and her mind went black totally.


   "Andwae!" She screamed out loud as she woke up, her eyes bulging wide from the hellish nightmare she had just experienced and her breath quick and heavy. Her eyes began looking here and there around the unusually unfamiliar dark, dusty room, and finally when reality struck her, she quickly shot up. However, she lost her balance when she did that and fell hard on the wooden floor.

   She wondered what happened to her, until she felt the stiff sensation around her wrists and ankles. As she tried to move, she discovered that she was in fact tied up, which explained for the lost of balance. She tried to break free, but it was of no use. The knot was just too tight, and she felt a strange sensation around her wrists all the way to her fingers.

   "Otto...ottoke? How am I here?" She whispered to herself as she tried to break free. While doing so, her eyes scanned the dark room that was lit dimly by the night sky outside through the window. She was in a room, with only a table at the far end of the room and only pieces of newspaper wrappings on the floor. Dust floated around the room freely without disturbance, and the foul smell of urine filled the already stuffy and poorly-ventilated air. She saw two rats roaming around the room uninterrupted.

   That freaked her out. At one moment, she was in her car driving back to base, and now, all of the sudden, she ended up in this room filled with rubbish and pests all tied up. The only excess of air was that one and only window that was located way above her height, and more importantly, she had no idea where she was. After some moments of struggling, she finally stopped, knowing that the more she struggled, the more energy she would have to waste. "Yeobosaeyo?!" She called out loudly, hoping that somebody qould hear her screams. "Yeobosaeyo?! Is anyone out there?!" She continued, but received no reply.

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