Chapter 5 : Nightmares

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Lance POV

I open my eyes, in an unfamiliar place. I look around, the darkness sloshing. Wait, sloshing? I realize I am underwater.

Voices echo around me, and I quickly look at the source. I see Keith, smirking and holding his Galra blade. His eyes are a bright yellow, and some if his skin is purple.

I back away, somewhat fearful. Hell, I'm terrified. He lets out a cackle, and walks forward as if the water in non-existent. He dashes forward with a burst of speed, and pain shoots through my chest.

I look down, seeing the handle of the blade sticking out of my chest. I can't breathe, either from the water, or the wound, I cannot be sure. I cough up blood, watching as the crimson dances in the dark waters surrounding me. Keith snarls, "You should die... are so fucking pathetic. I hate you." His cold voice echoes around me, repeating itself over and over.

Suddenly him and the blade disappears. The wound stays, blood mixing into the blue. Faces and voices swim around me. Mom and my siblings stare at me in hatred, standing next to my father. Shiro glares at me with pure rage and hate. Hunk, Coran, and Allura stare in disappointment. Pidge glares at me, a look of pure hate dancing across her face.

I flinch away, trying to get away as their voices echo around me. "Worthless..." "Why didn't you save us...?" "Little bastard..." "Just leave Voltron, you aren't needed..." The voices echo and repeat, pain and panic coursing through my veins.

I close my eyes, hugging myself as I float aimlessly. I let out a loud scream, hoping to stop the voices from reaching me.

I open my eyes, panting. I look around, I am back in my room. I hear banging on my door, and yelling, it's Keith. "Yo Lance you OK!? I heard ya scream..." He sounds worried. I curl up closer under my blanket, huddling in the corner. "I...I'm good, it was just a dream..." I say shakily. "Oh, OK...." Keith says, I swear I can almost hear him flushing. I hear footsteps walking away from my room.

I let out a shaky sob into my hands, feeling tears erupt. I stand up after a short while, and I head to my bathroom, washing my face. I head back to my room, getting dressed.

Alarms start to ring angrily. I sigh, and quickly change into my armor, dashing into the main hall. Everyone is shouting, and Allura's voice rings out above the others, "Paladins! Get to your lions!"

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