Chapter 7

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"I'm not doing that." I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"We have to get in there somehow and I can't do it so that leaves you." I groaned. Here we are sitting in his truck outside the small hospital looking at a hospital map. To get in we first have to get passed the first set of doors which will be the easiest step. Roman will go in and sit in the in the waiting room like a normal person. After a few minutes I'll run in and get the front desk workers to go outside. This gives Roman enough time to buzz the first set of doors open. When we get passed those there's supposedly a guard by the staff elevator.

Apparently the blood bags are held in the basement refrigerators and to get to the basement you have to use the staff elevator which only runs if you slide a staff card in the slot. This is where I disagree with the plan. Roman wants me to distract the guard so he can get his staff card from the man. When he says distract he doesn't mean have a friendly chat.

"Why can't you just knock him out and then get the key?" I asked clearly not comfortable with this plan.

"Because violence is never the answer." He said seriously. I glared at him but accepted the plan. "Okay I'm going in, give me a good five minutes and then enter." He climbed out of the truck and walked in. Good lord, how am I suppose to get those front workers out here? I got out of the car and began to pace. A silly idea came to my mind but it was worth a shot. Five or so minutes passed and I ran through the front doors in a fake panic.

"Please help!" I screamed. "My sister is going into labor in the parking lot! The baby is coming!" I began to cry. The two women sitting at the front desk ran through the doors not even bothering to wait for me. Roman chuckled and ran around the desk, pressing a button for the set of doors. "The baby is coming?" He asked, I shrugged. The people in the waiting room stared in shock and confusion. I inwardly giggled at their expressions. We made our way through the hospital and stopped around the corner from the staff elevator. I peeked around to see a young, nice looking cop standing there. This should be interesting, let's pray he's single. I would feel bad if he had a wife or girlfriend.

"Stay here until he's fully distracted." I told Roman. I walked out from around the corner and swayed my hips just a bit, making sure it didn't look forced. Slowly, like he was my prey, I closed in on him. He watched my every move and I wasn't so sure I was going to enjoy this next part. "Excuse me, sir?" He smiled and stepped closer, too close for my liking.

"Yes, ma'am?" He asked smiling. His brown hair falling into his eyes, making him look like a mischievous little boy.

"I was wondering if you could help me find something in that janitors closet real quick." I spoke in a sensual manor causing him to smirk. I felt nasty, I don't know how other girls did this kind of thing but this is defiantly the first and last time for me.

"Sure." He followed me into the closet and shut the door after he entered. I didn't think about his part, how was Roman suppose to get the card from him if we are stuck in a closet? I turned around to face him and before I could chicken out he crashed his lips onto mine. I might as well try to get it myself. I returned his kissed and tried to act into it, he defiantly was by the way he began to grope me. His card was attacked to his chest pocket so slowly I inched my hands up his chest, one made it way to his hair the other to the card. Slyly I detached it and placed it in my jean's pocket.

Before I knew what was happening the door opened and the man was pulled away from me. Roman grabbed the man by the shirt and punched him straight in the nose. A crunching sound was heard and then a groan. The man fell to the ground unconscious. "What happen to "Violence is never the answer"?" I asked throwing my hands into the air.

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