chapter four

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chapter four — rhythm of love


We may only have tonight

but till the morning sun, you're mine, all mine.

Play the music low and sway to the rhythm of love.


The only thought that filled Jack's head all morning was the thought of the grand ball taking place that very night. Dancing wasn't a problem for him, for he had learned as a child, but he was never that great at being proper, which the reasonable behavior was shown at a ball.

Jack's pacing around hardly worried Emma and the rest of the family, for they knew better than to disturb Jack when he was deep in thought, especially when a girl was involved.

Emma held in laughter as Jack sauntered around the room, his eyes closed, imagining the ball unfold. This was how Jack liked to think; he closed his eyes and imagined every possible thing that could go wrong and how to prevent it.

"Jack," Emma snorted, her chestnut brown eyes following Jack as she asked, "Are you okay?"

Jack chuckled and stopped for a moment his breathing slowing as he brushed a hand through his hair, replying, "Of course. I just don't want to end up disappointing her."

Emma blinked curtly at Jack, watching his cheeks redden. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear as she grinned and teased, "You must really like her."

His cheeks felt warm as he turned away, his heart hammering in his chest. He didn't know exactly what he felt, for he had never felt it before. He thought of Elsa and her bright smile and without hesitation muttered under his breath, "I do."

A cold wind blew through the brick house and goose bumps travelled up and down Emma's arms but Jack looked just as he did a second before; cheeks red and a silly grin on his face.

"Jack, Emma!" Their mother called from the kitchen, her voice ringing like a bell. Emma jumped and ran to the kitchen and Jack chuckled, walking behind her.

Their mother smiled and announced, "Your grandfather's best man, Nicholas, will be at the ball. When you get there don't forget to greet him."

Jack nodded in reply. Their grandfather was in the royal army and died of old age after his retirement. Nicholas was his best friend; they were literally inseparable.

"Of course." Jack smiled, making a mental note. Emma grinned, remembering all the fun and wild times they had when Nicholas came to visit.

Jack glanced out the window at the blue skies, a small smile spread across his young features as he thought of what Elsa might have been doing at that exact moment.


Elsa glided across her room, inhaling, exhaling; trying to calm herself down. If anything, she wished she knew a better breathing exercise because her nerves were still strung like wires and she was nowhere near ready.

"Elsa?" Anna's silky voice said from the other side of the door, "Do you need help getting ready?"

Elsa smiled at her sister's thoughtfulness but the last thing she wanted right now was to accidentally freeze her sister while she got her face made-up.

"I think I need yours too," The voice became more persistent, "There might be lots of people there and I think you know I'm not best with a crowd."

Elsa ran a hand through her hair in exasperation. She wanted more than anything to let Anna in but . . .

"I think you might be nervous and I am too," Anna muttered, "Just say that you need my help."

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