5. You did this to me!

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"Lea, where are you?" This is the fifteenth message my dad has left me. I turn my phone off and run up a wooden shaft. I run up to the dark warehouse, that's supposed to be abandoned, but clearly isn't.

I see the guy who I knocked out, with a guy who apparently pissed him off. "Now here's a drug that will make you think you're in pain when you're not. Your heart will eventually give out and you'll die." The crazy drug dealer says injecting him with it. I hear the guy scream and I have to look away.

The guy leaves and I follow him. "Who are you." I demand putting my sword to his neck.

"Why me, I'm the Count." He says putting his hands up.

"Anybody move, and I'll kill you." I warn pushing my sword closer to the Count's throat.

"Who are you?" The Count asks.

"Oh me? I'm your worst nightmare." I say giving the short answer.

"What did you do to him?" I ask referring to the guy he just killed.

"I just gave him a experimental drug." The Count laughs.

"What is the new drug you're experimenting on?" I ask.

"Oh you mean vertigo. Yes, that has become a very popular one. You want some?" The Count asks.

"No, I want you to stop!" The sword draws a little bit of blood from his neck.

"Oh really? What are you, the vigilante's side kick?" The Count laughs.

"Try a lone wolf, who isn't afraid to kill you." I tell the count.

"Oh really?" The Count laughs. I push him on the ground and throw my sword into one of his body guards chest. I flip over the Count and pull it out. Then I jump behind the other one and slice his throat.

"Yeah. Really!" The blade is pointed at the Count.

"Okay okay little girl. But can you resist this?" The Count says pulling a syringe out of his coat and throwing it at me. I take my sword and block it. The syringe lands on the ground and I look at the count.

"Looks like you missed." I say picking up the syringe. I hear sirens in the background and I use my gauntlet and jump onto the roof. I roof hop all the way to the hospital. I throw my suite into a bag and change into my regular clothes. I run through the emergency room until I see dad and Moria.

"Where were you? What good is having a cell phone, if you're not going to use it?" Dad scolds.

  "I had to do something." I say not wanting Walter or Moria to know what I was doing. "Is she okay?"

"Well she has to go to trial when she gets out, because they found vertigo in her system. Not to mention she's not getting another car." Dad says.

"Vertigo?" I ask.

"Yes Milea, Vertigo!" Dad reiterates.

"Sorry that I don't pay that much attention to drugs." The sarcastic undertone of my voice comes out against my attempts not to. "Whatever. You're just gonna find something else to yell at me for, if it weren't for this!"

"Lea..." Before my dad has a chance to finish his sentence, I run down the hall and back outside in the pouring rain. I run until I find a place far enough away. I take the syringe and inject some of it into my arm. I wipe off the blood and run to the building. I see Felicity and Diggle talking. Everything's starting to get a little blurry.

"Hey Felicity, could you analyze this for me?" I ask.

"Sure, what is it?" Felicity asks.

"A drug." I tell the smart blonde. She nods then starts to run test. "Could you call me, when you're done?"

"Sure, Lea." Felicity smiles. I smile back then run out of the "Arrow Cave". I'm starting to get the fun effects of the drug. Look my dad and I have been fighting a lot recently, and for some reason, I just need an escape. I run into the glades and run past everything that my dad might find me at. I sit in an alley and start crying. I cry for hours until the sun comes up. My phone rings with Felicity's face on the caller id.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Lea?" Felicity asks.

"Yeah, what?" I ask.

"Well the syringe you gave me had vertigo in it. There's only one person who sells it. That is person is called the Count." Felicity states.

"Yeah, I know the second part. Thanks." I tell Felicity as I hang up the phone. I run from the alley and to the outside of Starling City. I just can't deal with anyone right now! I turn my phone off and run to an abandoned barn. I guarantee if it weren't for my dad, I wouldn't have injected that vertigo into my arm. I probably wouldn't have scars on my arm. If it weren't for the Count though, I never would've known about Vertigo. I hear a motorcycle and a car pull up in front of the barn. I look and see my dad, Felicity, and Dig look up at the barn.

"Oliver, what are we doing here?" Felicity asks.

"We're looking for the counts hideout." Oliver says. They walk in and I find a screw and put it against my arm. Blood starts to fall from my arm and then I hear Felicity's voice.

"Lea?" Felicity asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I shoot my head up and cover my arm with my jacket.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What are you doing here?" Felicity asks.

"Needed a quiet place to think." I reply hoping they didn't just see me cutting my arm with a screw. Dad walks up the ladder, to where I am.

"Lea... are you okay?" Dad asks.

"Who's asking this time? Arrow, or Oliver?" I ask squeezing the screw in my hand.

"Your dad." Oliver says.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask feeling the screw pierce the palm of my hand.

"Let me see your wrist." Dad says looking at me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I found this in your room last night." Dad says pulling out a blade. I drop the screw and look at my hand. No blood, good. I slide my sleeves up and show him the scars on my arms. "Lea...I..." Dad can't even finish his sentence.

"If you wouldn't have brought me along on that stupid yacht, none of this would've happened." I cry. I started cutting when I was about seven. That was/is my coping method. When I couldn't deal, that was like the one thing that got me.

"Lea..." Dad tries to sympathize.

"No... okay if it weren't for you, I never would've become an assassin. I never would have killed anyone to survive." I tell dad. "And I never would've started this." Tears start falling from my eyes and my dad wraps me in a hug. He lets go and wipes the fresh blood off my arm.

"Lea...I'm so sorry." Dad says. I just continue to cry into his shoulder, like a baby.

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